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WELCOME DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR 13 th Meeting of National Food Security Mission Executive Committee 3 rd March, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR 13 th Meeting of National Food Security Mission Executive Committee 3 rd March, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR 13 th Meeting of National Food Security Mission Executive Committee 3 rd March, 2014

2 Area, Production and Productivity of Kharif Pulses (Area Lac ha, Production Lac tons and Productivity Kg/Ha) YearNFSM DistrictNon- NFSM DistrictState APYAPYAPY 5 yrs Avg. Xth Plan(2002- 03 to 2006- 07) 18.774.912613.301.1635222.076.07275 5 yrs Avg. XIth Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12) 22.527.913514.201.7241026.719.63361 2012-13 ------19.566.37326 2013-14 (2 nd Advance Estimate) ------22.198.25372

3 Kharif pulses Area Area : Lac ha. Production: Production: Lac tons Productivity Productivity : Kg/ha. 261 351

4 Area, Production and Productivity of Gram (Area Lac ha, Production Lac tons and Productivity Kg/Ha) Year NFSM DistrictNon- NFSM DistrictState APYAPYAPY Av. Xth Plan(2002- 03 to 2006- 07) 7.574.716221.821.648999.396.35676 Av. XIth Plan(2007- 08 to 2011- 12) 10.667.156702.522.2187713.199.36710 2012-13 12.5312.651010 2013-14 (II Adv Esti.) 17.6214.35814

5 Gram Area Area : Lac ha. Production: Production: Lac tons Productivity Productivity : Kg/ha. 670 622

6 Area, Production and Productivity of Total Pulses (Area Lac ha, Production Lac tons and Productivity Kg/Ha) Year NFSM DistrictNon- NFSM DistrictState APYAPYAPY Av. Xth Plan(2002-03 to 2006-07) 26.479.863735.403.1257731.8812.98407 Av. XIth Plan(2007-08 to 2011-12) 33.2615.154567.024.2160040.2819.36481 2012-13 32.3919.38598 2013-14 (II Adv Esti.) 40.1624.30605 Impact : All the districts of State have been included under NFSM-Pulses since 2010-11. The average APY of total pulses during Xith plan period increased by 26.40% 49.10% and 18.20%, respectively over average Xth plan period.

7 Area, Production and Productivity of Wheat (Area Lac ha, Production Lac tons and Productivity Kg/Ha) Year NFSM DistrictNon- NFSM DistrictState APYAPYAPY Av. Xth Plan(2002- 03 to 2006- 07) 8.6821.70250112.5338.46307021.2160.162837 Av. XIth Plan(2007- 08 to 2011- 12) 10.3528.05270916.1554.90339926.5082.953129 2012-13 12.4539.24315018.1861.48338230.63100.723288 2013-14 (II Adv. Esti.) 30.41102.253362 Impact : The average APY in NFSM districts has increased by 19.30%, 29.30% and 8.30%, respectively during Xith plan period over the average of Xth plan period. However, Non NFSM districts are ahead in APY than the NFSM districts due to enough irrigation potential prior to inception of NFSM.

8 2501 2709 3150 Wheat Xth plan Xth plan XIth plan XIth plan 2012-13 2012-13 Area Area : Lac ha. Production: Production: Lac tons Productivity Productivity : Kg/ha.

9 Area, Production and Productivity of various crops (A rea lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Productivity kg/ha) CropAv. Xth Plan (2002-03 to 2006- 07) Av. XIth Plan (2007-08 to 2011- 12) 2012-132013-14 (IInd Esti.) APYAPYAPYAPY Moong 7.432.3231210.384.27411 7.902.34 296 10.203.86 379 Moth 11.482.6623313.373.96296 8.642.36 273 9.273.23 348 Urd 1.770.583271.560.75478 2.181.25 575 1.960.69 351 Cowpea 1.180.373131.190.51432 0.650.25 382 0.610.38 613 Arhar 0.180.115980.190.13692 0.170.15 879 0.140.09 641 Total Kh. Pulses 22.076.0727526.719.63361 19.566.37 326 22.198.25 372 Gram 9.396.3567613.199.36710 12.5312.65 1010 17.6214.35 814 Total Pulses 31.8612.9840740.2819.36481 32.3919.38 598 40.1622.95 571

10 Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) Crop2006-072010-112011-122012-13 Wheat19.1225.5030.4532.32 Gram3.918.5212.5413.75 Moong9.4422.3418.3524.79 Urd6.8514.626.9410.33 Arhar11.5327.0221.7033.19 Cowpea9.7543.3044.0854.06 Moth1.194.855.7314.07 Impact: SRR of wheat and pulses has considerably increased since 2006-07

11  Lessons learnt for future and strategies  Lessons Timely supply of inputs (seed, fertilizer, micronutrients, gypsum, pesticides etc) before sowing season is important factor in enhancing production and productivity of crops. There is need to develop water resources for rain water harvesting to provide life saving irrigation to crops. A3P was very much liked by the farmers. This programme created awareness among farmers about INM, IPM and quality Seed.

12  Strategies Input supply agencies have been given instructions for timely arrangement of inputs before sowing season. Arrangement for advance stocking of gypsum has been made. 10000 farm ponds are being constructed during this year and the programme will be continued with same numbers of farm ponds during next year. For efficient use of irrigation water and minimizing losses Water Storage Tank, Irrigation Pipeline, Diggies and Sprinklers are promoted A3P needs to be continued.

13 Some Facts of NFSM and Success Stories For availability of quality and certified seeds in the state 17956 qtl foundation and 46180 qtl certified seed of pulses was produced. 955140 qtl quality seed of wheat and 192699 qtl pulses seed was made available to farmers. Micronutrients were applied in 2,82,003 ha area in wheat and 152255 ha area in pulses for better yield. Gypsum was applied as source of Sulpher fertilizer in 1,50,663 ha in wheat and 4,57,062 ha in pulses. To disseminate crop production technology among farmers 29,045 Demonstrations of wheat and 87,039 ha in pulses were organized at farmers field. For timely sowing and simultaneous fertilizer drilling, maintaining proper space, saving of labour and good germination, subsidy was provided for 14233 Seed Drill / Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill in wheat and 16547 in pulses.

14 Contd.... To reduce number of ploughing operations and saving of time Rotavator was promoted first time in the State and 347 farmers in wheat and 665 farmers in pulses were benefited. This implement is gaining popularity among farmers community. Subsidy for 557 Multi Crop Power Thresher in wheat and 1565 in pulses were provided for neat and clean threshing operation. For deep ploughing and harrowing operations subsidy was provided for 589 tractor drawn disc plough/disc harrow in wheat and 3424 in pulses. For harvesting of crops 22 tractor drawn Reaper in wheat and 113 in pulses were promoted through subsidy. For spraying insecticides, fungicides 31343 Knap Sack Sprayer in wheat and 42906 in pulses and 481 Tractor Mounted Sprayers were distributed.

15 Contd….. For efficient use of Irrigation water and minimizing conveyance losses, assistance was provided for 540 km Irrigation pipe line in wheat and 9469 km in pulses. For storing water during night 318 Water Storage Tanks were constructed by farmers and assistance was provided. For healthy crop growth and production, subsidy was provided in 47149 ha for Seed treatment, Termite control and Weed control in wheat. For threshing, harvesting and protecting the harvested crop, Movable Threshing Floor Cum Plastic Sheet was provided to 14763 farmers. For safe storage of seeds 17068 Seed Storage Bins were distributed. To conserve and harvest rain water, assistance was provided for 317 Farm Ponds under Pulses. As a low cost monetary input Bio Fertilizers were applied in 1,01,119 ha Assistance was given for 67315 ha Integrated Pest Management in pulses crops.

16 Moong yield obtained in A3P demonstration is 7.5 qtl per ha as compared to district average yield 2.92 qtl per ha and state average yield 3.02 qtl per ha.

17 Gram A3P demonstration : Adoption of INM and IPM technology

18 Farmer: Ramphool S/o Raghunath Gurjar Village : Badhsohan Dist. Swai Madhopur Cultivating Wheat crop in 1.0 ha from harvested rain water

19 Wheat yield obtained in demonstration is 48 qtl per ha as compared to district average yield 33.52 qtl per ha and state average yield 32.88 qtl per ha during 2012-13.


21  Specific issues / Suggestions Shortage of certified seed of pulse crops. Approval for intervention “Intercropping demonstrations (Special plan) of kharif pulses with cereals” implemented during kharif 2013 with outlay of Rs. 456.24 Lacs required from GOI under NFSM Pulses Approval for clearing pending liability of Rs. 482.57 Lacs of RSSC for purchase of breeder seed, production of foundation and certified seeds of Pulses for the past years up to 2011-12 required from GOI. Frost and cold waves occurred in January, 2014 Hail storm damaged crops in some pockets in February, 2014 Release of funds required : NFSM-Wheat Rs. 913.55 Lacs NFSM-Pulses Rs. 3452.656 Lacs NFSM-A3P Rs. 1388.80 Lacs Financial assistance to SC and ST farmers should be increase upto 75 percentage.

22 Thanks

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