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CYBER BULLYING BY:Kaelah Anderson Rm 315 6 th Paul Cuffe.

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Presentation on theme: "CYBER BULLYING BY:Kaelah Anderson Rm 315 6 th Paul Cuffe."— Presentation transcript:

1 CYBER BULLYING BY:Kaelah Anderson Rm 315 6 th Paul Cuffe

2 What effect it has on the victim They are likey to become bullies themselves They could hurt themselves from the hurt & pressure & may commit suicide

3 Why do they cyber bully on the internet They have self esteem issues They want to keep their identity a secret They will have a better chance of not getting caught than doing it in person

4 The different types of cyber bullying PROXY: Proxy cyber bullying is when the bully get’s another person involved in the situation by making them bully the victim DIRECT: Direct cyber bullying is when the bully confronts the victim by themselves

5 How to handle it.The victim should automatically tell an adult or parent they should not handle it themselves They shouldn’t reply to the messages sent to them They should tell on the bully & not let them get away with the bullying

6 CYBER BULLYING PRESENTATION BY: Kaelah Anderson Room 315/6 th Ms.Moore Paul Cuffe And always remember……………. CYBER BULLYING IS BAD!!!!!!!!

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