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VP Quarterly Report on Strategies Q3 – 2015/16 Vision: Healthy people, families and communities. Acting VP: Dawn Calder Integrated Health Services – Clinical.

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Presentation on theme: "VP Quarterly Report on Strategies Q3 – 2015/16 Vision: Healthy people, families and communities. Acting VP: Dawn Calder Integrated Health Services – Clinical."— Presentation transcript:

1 VP Quarterly Report on Strategies Q3 – 2015/16 Vision: Healthy people, families and communities. Acting VP: Dawn Calder Integrated Health Services – Clinical Support Multi-year Plan: ED Waits and Patient Flow

2 Portfolio Overview Patient Flow Pharmacy & Respiratory Services Medical Imaging Lab Services Rehabilitation, Spiritual Care & Native Health Services HealthLine Support Services, Central Scheduling & Sterile Processing

3 Multi Year Strategic Plan VP leading on: Corporate Patient Flow Multi-year Plan:  Provincial Targets/Priorities - Hoshin ED Waits & Patient Flow  RQHR Multi Year Strategic Plan & Business Plan – Patient Flow  Patient Flow Program / Framework

4 Patient Flow Multi-year Plan 2015/16 Provincial Outcome & Improvement Targets for Patient Flow By March 31, 2017, no patient will wait for care in the emergency department. -By March 31, 2016, the length of stay (LOS) in the ER for 90% of admitted patients will be <= 22.3 hours -By March 31, 2016, 90% of patients waiting for an inpatient bed will wait <= 17.5 hours. -By March 31, 2016, the LOS in the ER for 90% non- admitted patients will be <= 5.9 hours

5 Hoshin Measure – ED LOS Admitted

6 Hoshin Measure – ED LOS Non-Admitted

7 Hoshin Measure – Time Waiting for an Inpatient Bed

8 Result of Collective Work RQHR– ED LOS All Patients

9 RQHR – ED LOS Admitted Opportunity to understand root cause of increase when overall LOS and Time Waiting for an Inpatient Bed and ED admission volumes have decreased 2014/15 vs 2015/16 ( YTD)

10 RQHR– ED LOS Non-Admitted Result of Collective Work

11 Root Cause Analysis – Common Themes Service Line/Area Driver Diagram Appropriateness Patient Waiting for Service –Bed, Consult, Tests/Diagnostics, etc.. Staff waiting for information –Results, Orders, etc.

12 Root Cause Analysis – Common Themes Service Line/Area Driver Diagram Service Levels Not In-line with Demand Monday to Friday Business to meet a 24/7 demand. Variation and lack of Standard Work/Process

13 Root Cause - Demand and Capacity * FY2015 to FY2016 (Projected). Source SCM RGH ED Volume % Change FY2013 to 20142014 to 20152015 to 2016* Total0.61%6.27%2.38% Admissions-0.43%3.13%0.66% PH ED Volume % Change FY2013 to 20142014 to 20152015 to 2016* Total-2.79%2.89%2.99% Admissions-4.33%1.65%-3.17%

14 Root Cause - Demand and Capacity RGH LOS % Change FY2013 to 20142014 to 20152015 to 2016* Medicine-3.82%0.84%-4.02% Surgery-6.01%-5.64%-4.09% PH LOS % Change FY2013 to 20142014 to 20152015 to 2016* Medicine-3.09%-4.79%0.65% Surgery-12.32%-1.43%5.14% * Complete FY2015 to 2016 Q1&Q2 only Source HIMS

15 Key Outcomes-Q3 Our Collective Work is Making a Difference

16 Key Outcomes-Q3 Reduced Overall ED LOS by 20 min. despite 2.63% increase in ED volumes 2014/15 vs.2015/16 (YTD) 13 min Decrease Time Waiting for an Inpatient Bed 2014/15 vs 2015/16 ( YTD)

17 Key Outcomes-Q3 Proactive Seasonal Planning

18 Accountable Care Unit – January 2016 Pilot Kick Off “ We can already see how this model will improve patient care and our overall work day ” 4 A Hospitalists “This is the way healthcare should be” 4A Patient “ For the first time I feel I have contributed to and understand the plan of care for my patient” 4A RN Key Outcomes-Q3

19 Key Outcomes – Q3 Unit Coaching of Inpatient Flow Standard Work 60% Improvement patients pulled from ED by 14:00 - Planned Vs Actual 100% of inpatient units showed improvement in the application of Patient Flow SW

20 Key Actions - Q4 Alignment to Activities to Multi-year Hoshin Targets Service Line/Area Driver Diagrams Provincial and Regional Targets & Outcomes Integrated Timeline Outcome Targets

21 Key Actions Q4 Debrief: Seasonal and Capacity Planning:

22 Key Actions Q4 ACU Pilot Implementation –Pilot Kick off Jan 15 th – Covenant –Research –Localization of Physicians to 4A –ACU Patient Care Processes –Monthly Communication

23 Key Actions – Q4 Unit Coaching of Inpatient Flow Standard Work 25% of IP units at PH and RGH achieve observed compliance with of all 6 pieces of patient flow SW by March 31, 2016

24 Thank You & Questions

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