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I. The Pelagic Zone A. Begins at the low tide mark and includes the oceanic water column. B. Two zones: Neritic and Oceanic.

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2 I. The Pelagic Zone A. Begins at the low tide mark and includes the oceanic water column. B. Two zones: Neritic and Oceanic

3 II. The Neritic Zone A.Extends from the low tide mark and lies above the continental shelf. B. Referred to as Coastal Waters but is actually the sublittoral zone. C. Well-oxygenated, low water pressure, and stable temperature and salinity levels. D. Site of deep-sea fishing and the majority of sea life due to its high productivity.

4 III. Ocean Zones

5 A. Epipelagic Zone – 1. Surface layer of the ocean 2. Extends to 200 meters (656 feet). 3. Called the photic or sunlight zone 4. Heat from the light is responsible for the wide range of temperature in this zone.

6 B. Mesopelagic Zone- 1. Extends from 200 meters (656 feet) to 1000 meters (3281 feet). 2. Called the twilight zone, light is extremely faint. 3. Bioluminescent creatures appear. 4. Great diversity of strange and bizarre fishes

7 C.Bathypelagic Zone – 1. extends from 1000 meters (3281 ft.)to 4000 meters (13,124 ft) down. 2. Referred to as the midnight zone. 3. Only visible light produced is by the creatures. 4. Water pressure reaches 5,850 psi. 5. Most animals are black or red in color due to the lack of light.

8 D.Abyssopelagic Zone – 1. Extends from 4000 meters ( 13,124 ft ) to 6000 meters ( 19,686 ft ). 2. Called the abyss, means-"no bottom". 3. Aphotic and near freezing temps. 4. Few invertebrates (basket stars) and tiny squids survive crushing depths. 5. Makes-up 3/4 of the ocean floor

9 E. Hadalpelagic Zone – 1. Extends from 6000 meters (19,686 feet) to the deepest trenches and canyons of the ocean. (Mariana Trench 35,797 feet (10,911 meters). 4. Water temp just above freezing. 5. Pressure is eight tons psi. 6. Invertebrates such as starfish and tube worms can thrive at these depths



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