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How to Write a Good Paragraph. A paragraph should have: A topic sentence – this restates the question and/or motivates the reader to want to read more.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write a Good Paragraph. A paragraph should have: A topic sentence – this restates the question and/or motivates the reader to want to read more."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write a Good Paragraph

2 A paragraph should have: A topic sentence – this restates the question and/or motivates the reader to want to read more. It “hooks” them in. The topic sentence should be interesting

3 A paragraph should also have: Supporting details or reasons which back up or prove the main point. After each detail, there should be an example. Fall is a wonderful time of year (TS). First, nature is beautiful around this time (SD). For example, the leaves change from green to brown to yellow in a matter of months! (Ex.)

4 How many supporting details and examples? Supporting detail or reason 1 Example 1 Supporting detail or reason 2 Example 2 Supporting detail or reason 3 Example 3

5 What is the last thing a paragraph needs? A conclusion – this sums up the main points and completes your paragraph It should be interesting and exciting It should not end with “These are the reasons I like the fall.”

6 What could we say instead? _________________________

7 Fall is a wonderful time of year ( ). First, nature is beautiful around this time ( ). For example, the leaves change from green to brown to yellow in a matter of months! ( ) Secondly, Halloween occurs in the fall ( ). This is my favorite holiday because I love candy and getting dressed up ( ). At last, I love the fall because it’s the perfect weather ( ). It is not freezing, but it is not humid ( ). I wish it could be fall all year ( )!

8 The paragraph sandwich Identify Topic sentence, Supporting details or examples, and Concluding sentence Top bun = Tomato = Lettuce = Pickles = Cheese = Meat = Bottom Bun =

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