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Do Now Quick review! Write down at LEAST three important facts for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. List then explain, put into your notebook. For example:

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Quick review! Write down at LEAST three important facts for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. List then explain, put into your notebook. For example:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Quick review! Write down at LEAST three important facts for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. List then explain, put into your notebook. For example: Judaism 1. King Saul was first of three respected Kings. First major military victory. United all the Hebrew tribes called Israel. Cannot use this fact now that I gave it to you. You have 20 minutes, notebooks only!

2 Homework due today Due today: (first two were due Friday), essay today. Answer the following questions (meaning write out the question and your response): 1. Should Muhammad have appointed a successor? 2. Should Islam have a leader, or leaders like the Catholic Church does? Due on Monday – write a response at least ¾ of a page. The UN is possibly going to vote on legislation that would make it illegal to speak badly of Islam. President Obama has yet to come out for or against. Write a brief letter explaining which way you feel our government (or your government) should vote.

3 Homework Plan on taking a test on Friday. It will consist of material from Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Homework tonight: will be update notes and answer in your notebooks: 1. What is the significance of the Torah? 2. Jews were led out of Canaan by Abraham, why and what is the importance? 3. Why is Moses important?

4 Quick Review Internal Conflicts The Shi’a rejected Umayyad’s family authority. The Sunnis accepted their authority. Shi’as feel to be the leader you must have a blood line that connects to the Prophet Muhammad. Sunnis believe just following Muhammad’s life style is what he intended. Muslims accepted non-believers, but they had to pay taxes. They seemed to welcome the Muslims since they seemed more fair than the Byzantine & Sassanid Empires which were harsh rulers

5 Islam expands Like any government, it needs money to run. The Abbasid’s set up a system of taxing land, items imported & exported as well taxing non-Muslim’s wealth. Like other empires, their down fall was their vastness. Smaller states within the Empire began to acquire power over regions. The Fatimid Caliphate by the Shi’a. They spread to North Africa and towards the Red Sea / Middle East. The Muslims controlled the Mediterranean Sea Trade & Indian Ocean, they also controlled the land routes to Asia especially the silk trade with China.

6 Islam expands Because of the empire, trading was easier because of the common language, the currency and the banks. The banks could establish credit called “sakks.” These could be used like a check which is what it was eventually called in Europe. Although Europe seemed to be modernized first, it was actually the Muslim world.

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