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Taking Inventory 2 Co.13:5 Nobody ever built a statue to a critic 1 Co.4:3-5.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Inventory 2 Co.13:5 Nobody ever built a statue to a critic 1 Co.4:3-5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Inventory 2 Co.13:5 Nobody ever built a statue to a critic 1 Co.4:3-5

2 I. The Scripture, 3, 5

3 Corinthians appointed themselves Paul’s judges (2 Co.13:3) Paul flunked their test Common occurrence  2 Sm.12  Ac.2 (13, 16) 2 Co.13:5: This is a two-way street If you examine yourselves, you will know what we are (1 Co.9:1; ch.12-14).

4 Self-exam may show some are lost, lead them to repent Why do some neglect self-exams? Might be disqualified (5)? 1 Co.9:27 Think it is unnecessary? Pride (faulty comparisons)? 1 Co.4:6 Fear of failure? Ph.2:5; Ro.3:23

5 I. The Scripture, 3, 5 II. The Self-Examination

6 Yourselves Yourselves – twice emphatic (v.5) Ga.6:3, 7; Ja.1:26 “Self-delusion is actually quite a pleasant place to be.” 1 Make a critical examination of someth. to determine genuineness, put to the test, examine. Political termMilitary term Mining termFarming term Two words:

7 Yourselves Yourselves – twice emphatic (v.5) 2 Endeavor to discover the nature or character of someth. by testing, try, make trial of, put to the test. Reveals our condition. Lk.14; Ga.6:4 Rouses our correction. 2 Co.7:9 Raises our commitment. Ph.3:12-14

8 Ps.26:2 Examine Examine: assay (as silver/gold); smelt, Mal.3:2 Prove Prove: 1 K.10:1 Try Try: Jg.7:4 Requires: 1. Honest heart, Lk.8:15 2. Open Bible, 2 Tim.3:16-17 3. Good conscience, Ro.2:14-15 4. Frank friend, Pro.27:6

9 I. The Scripture, 3, 5 III. The Standard II. The Self-Examination

10 The standard is NOT... What I once did. Rv.2:19 What I think. Mt.26 What others do or think. Ex.23:2; 32 Whether I believe truth. Ja.2:19 The standard IS... in Am I in the faith?

11 I. The Scripture, 3, 5 II. The Self-Examination IV. The Subjects III. The Standard

12 “Going in for tests…” Survey: be corrected at whatever cost? Sins  Commission: lie, lust, cheat, steal…  Omission: forsake assemblies, prayer Service: neglect family, brothers…Ro.2 Speech: blasphemy, slander, boasting Supplication: pray for correction? Study: paper, TV... but not Bible?

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