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I love the L ORD, the fount of life and grace ; he hears my voice, my cry and suppli cation, in clines his ear, gives strength and conso lation ; in life,

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Presentation on theme: "I love the L ORD, the fount of life and grace ; he hears my voice, my cry and suppli cation, in clines his ear, gives strength and conso lation ; in life,"— Presentation transcript:

1 I love the L ORD, the fount of life and grace ; he hears my voice, my cry and suppli cation, in clines his ear, gives strength and conso lation ; in life, in death, my heart will seek his face. [Sing to the Lord 116b]

2 2. The cords of death held me in deep de spair ; the pangs of hell, like waves by tempest driven, rolled o’er my soul ; by grief and sorrow riven, I turned in my dis tress to G OD in prayer.

3 3. I cried, “De liver thou my soul, O L ORD !” Je hovah heard ; I pledge him my de votion. The L ORD is just, his grace wide as the ocean ; in boundless mercy he fulfils his word.

4 4. The L ORD pre serves the meek most tender ly ; brought nigh to death, in him I found sal vation. Come, thou my soul, re lieved from agi tation, turn to thy rest ; the L ORD has favoured thee.

5 5. Thou, O Je hovah, in thy sov’reign grace, hast saved my soul from death and woe ap palling, dried all my tears, se cured my feet from falling. Lo, I shall live and walk before thy face.

6 6. I have be lieved, and therefore did I speak when I was made to suffer tribu lation ; I said in haste and bitter desper ation : “ All men are false, ’tis naught but lies they speak.”

7 7. What shall I render to Jehovah now for all the riches of his conso lation ? With joy I’ll take the cup of his sal vation and call up on his name with thankful vow.

8 8. Be fore his saints I’ll pay my vows to G OD ; e’en in death’s vale he keepeth me from evil ; how dear to G OD the dying of his people ! Praise him, ye saints, and sound his name a broad.

9 9. I am, O L ORD, thy servant, bound yet free, thy handmaid’s son, whose shackles thou hast broken ; re deemed by grace I’ll render as a token of grati tude my constant praise to thee.

10 10. Je rusa lem ! With in thy courts I’ll praise Je hovah’s name, and with a spirit lowly pay all my vows. O Zion, fair and holy, come join with me and bless him all thy days ! Sing to the Lord 116b Public domain Text: William Kuipers, 1931, Psalter Hymnal, 1957 Tune: Genevan Psalter, 1562; harm. Seymour Swets, 1900–1982, Psalter Hymnal, 1957

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