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The Shop Steward 1.Official Strike 2.Secret Ballot 3.Work to Rule 4.Overtime Ban 5.Go Slow 6.Unofficial Strike a.Must be done before any actions take.

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Presentation on theme: "The Shop Steward 1.Official Strike 2.Secret Ballot 3.Work to Rule 4.Overtime Ban 5.Go Slow 6.Unofficial Strike a.Must be done before any actions take."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Shop Steward

3 1.Official Strike 2.Secret Ballot 3.Work to Rule 4.Overtime Ban 5.Go Slow 6.Unofficial Strike a.Must be done before any actions take place b.Workers stick to their contract and follow every rule to the letter c.Workers slow down their rate of work but not enough to get into trouble d.Workers refuse to do any extra work e.Takes place without the backing of a union f.Backed by the union, the most serious form of action Action Meaning Match the trade union action with its correct meaning. Discuss with your partner and answer in your jotter

4 Describe the structure of a trade union Describe the role of a shop steward Identify the personal qualities a good shop steward should have To understand the role of the shop steward By the end of today you will be able to

5 Ordinary Members (Grass Roots) Elects shop steward and members of district, regional & national committee Shop Steward Represents union members Attends district & regional meetings District & Regional Committee Represents members at local level & at annual trade union conference National Executive Committee Full Time paid officials Carries out union policies General SecretaryHead of the union & decision maker Represents union in the media PersonRole

6 Problems in a workplace Write a list of problems that people may have in the workplace. no wage increase this year health and safety concerns canteen price rises concerns over paying for the crèche

7 The shop steward has 4 main roles Represents members of the union Recruits new members to the union Communicates between union headquarters and members Inform members of any changes or decisions RepresentRecruit CommunicateInform

8 arrange a meeting/negotiating with the management to resolve the problem contact full-time union officials to ask for their help and advice organise a ballot of members about industrial action organise appropriate industrial action such as work-to-rule, overtime ban or strike action if negotiations are not successful


10 Describe the structure of a trade union Describe the role of a shop steward Identify the personal qualities a good shop steward should have You will now be able to…

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