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COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Module 4: Differentiation.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Module 4: Differentiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Module 4: Differentiation

2 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation  Purpose  Support diverse learners through implementation of the Common Core Writing Standards.  Outcome  Adapt an instructional plan to include differentiation options for language learners, special education, and GATE students.  Materials  Tree Map  Got It! Need It! recording sheet

3 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation  Session Plan  Watch  Define differentiation  Model how to use a differentiation planning tool  Share  Use the planning tool to differentiate a Common Core State Standard lesson plan  Discuss  Clock partners: Explain your strategies  Wrap Up  Reflect on strategies that overlap  Revise your plan as needed for optimum inclusion

4 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation Watch: Define differentiation Content Process Product

5 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation Watch: Define differentiation Content Process Product

6 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation Watch: Differentiation tool Standard 1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information ContentProcessProduct ELD SDAIE Special Education Thinking Maps and mnemonic devices GATE Play the role of moderator in a debate

7 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation ELD Special Education GATE Content SDAIE Process Product Content Process Thinking Maps and mnemonic devices Process Product Play the role of moderator in a debate Differentiation Watch: Differentiation tool Standard 1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

8 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation Share: Differentiate a Common Core State Standard lesson plan “Got It! Need It!” 1. Work with a partner 2. Choose one lesson idea (from rubric, Module 1) 3. Use your “Got It! Need It!” recording sheet to determine differentiation “Gots” and “Needs” for each area subgroup: ELD, Special Ed, GATE

9 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation Discuss: Meet with your Clock Appointment Explain your strategies What was your “a-ha” moment?

10 COMMON CORE CONTENT STANDARDS Differentiation Wrap Up: Reflect and revise Which strategies can overlap for more inclusion? Revise your plan, and collaborate with your team to write a one-paragraph lesson plan summary.

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