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East of Eden Pages 100-202 Veronica Kot Haley James Katie Monaco.

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Presentation on theme: "East of Eden Pages 100-202 Veronica Kot Haley James Katie Monaco."— Presentation transcript:

1 East of Eden Pages 100-202 Veronica Kot Haley James Katie Monaco

2 Vocabulary - Prodigiously (adj) - Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree - Dissipated (adj) - overindulging in sensual pleasures - Lummox (noun) - a clumsy, stupid person - Lackadaisical (adj) - without interest, vigor or determination - Derisively (adj) - being contemptuous, mocking or ridiculing others

3 Themes and Symbols - Good vs Evil - Adam and Cathy - Unrequited Love - Adam/Babies and Cathy - Brotherly Competition - Adam and Charles - Reality vs Falsehood - Lack of a Maternal Figure - False Assurance of Wealth - Samuel and the meteorite/windmills/garden

4 Allegorical Connections - Adam and Eve - Adam and Cathy - Cain and Abel - Cathy's children - Cathy and Cain's scars (symbolism)

5 Archetypes - Hero - Samuel - Villain - Cathy - Yin and Yang - Samuel and Liza - Renewal of Life - Adam's farm - The Fall - Cathy leaves

6 Conflicts - Cathy vs Samuel and Lee - Cathy vs Adam - Cathy vs Mr. Edwards - Adam vs Charles - Cathy vs Charles - Samuel vs Adam

7 Excerpt From East of Eden "'Look, Samuel, I mean to make a garden of my land. Remember my name is Adam. So far I've had no Eden, let alone been driven out.' 'It's the best reason I ever heard for making a garden,' Samuel exclaimed. He chuckled, 'Where will the orchard be?' Adam said, 'I won't plant apples. That would be looking for accidents.' 'What does Eve say to that? She has a say, you remember. And Eves delight in apples." 'Not this one... I don't think anyone can know her goodness.'" (Steinbeck 169)

8 Works Cited "A Crockhead Abroad." A Crockhead Abroad. Web. 06 May 2013. "Steinbeck Center." Steinbeck Center. The Martha Heasley Cox Center. Web. 08 May 2013. Steinbeck, John. East of Eden. USA: Viking, 1952. Print.

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