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 The INDEPENDENCE achieved does not only mean a physical freedom colonization but also a freedom in SPIRITUAL & MENTALITY.  The meaning of INDEPENDENCE.

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2  The INDEPENDENCE achieved does not only mean a physical freedom colonization but also a freedom in SPIRITUAL & MENTALITY.  The meaning of INDEPENDENCE is of being free from the hold of foreign forces and to thrive in creating a dignified nation.

3 Armed forces & struggle for Nationalism Malayan Union (1946) (factors, oppositions, the failure) Federation of Malaya (the new constitution, oppositions, member system, unity problem) Negotiations for Independence (general elections, city council’s elections, demands to the British Independence of Malaya (1957)

4  Looking back to Malays’ fight of freedom on 1511 to WORLD WAR II era 1941-1945.  3 Stages of Struggles through ; › MILITARY or GUERRILLA › RELIGIOUS group › By Nationalists through the PEN

5  Started in 20 th century when people were better educated. People see their minds rather than arms and force. Factors for nationalism;  External influence – Young Turkish movement etc  Mass media – Al Imam, Saudara, Utusan Melayu etc  Organizations – Malays Union etc  It went stronger when Japanese came up with the slogan “Asia for Asians”  The spirit of nationalism still continued even after the Japanese defeated in the Second World War and the British returned to Malaya.

6  When ? t he period when Japanese surrendered and the return of British in 1945.  Malayan Communist Party (MCP) took over the government for 14 days. MCP created chaos and used violence.  Proposal to set up the Malayan Union › British parliament proposed a proposal on Oct 10, 1945 › To create a new system of administration for Malaya › Main objective – to protect economic interest of British & to cut down the administrative cost › Malayan Union features;  9states Malay states, Penang Island and Malacca  British Governor- Chief Administrator  Did not involve Singapore  ‘JUS SOLI’  Equal right for all

7  OPPOSITIONS › Demonstrations were held to show their disagreement over the new government › Malays were the strongest opposition. Why?  The granting of citizenship to the non-Malays  Erosion of Malay Ruler’s powers and sovereignty  Mac Micheal’s threat in getting the Rulers to sign the agreement  THE FAILURE OF MALAYAN UNION › Strong opposition from the Malays › Wrong introduction › Opposition from former British administrators in Malaya

8  The characteristic of Malayan Union was ad versed the Malays especially the erosion of Malay rulers power and the granting of the right of citizenship to the immigrant peoples on the principle of jus soli  As a result of the Malays opposition of Malayan Union was the birth UMNO or united Malays National Organization (Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu) at 11 May 1946

9  Malayan Union was replaced by FM on 1 Feb 1948  New constitution was proposed;  On 1 February 1948  The Federation of Malaya features FOM comprised 9 Malay States, Malacca & Penang, excluding Singapore British High Commissioner as the Head Condition for citizenship became strict Special rights for the Malays were recognized The state government had the right on matters related to administration, land, health, education and agriculture.

10  Problem of Unity – different interests, language, origin, culture of the races lead to the unity problem. All races wanted their interests to be considered.  Member System – a system to give opportunity to local people to be involved in the administrative system. Member system was to appoint local representatives to the post of head of dept. in the central government.  The growth of political parties and struggle for independence – The Alliance (UMNO, MIC, MCA), PUTERA, PKM, PAS, IMP etc. The main objective is to protect the interests of community, and to get Independence.

11  City Council Elections – as a test of unity in the country. The first election was the Georgetown City Council in Dec 1951, followed by KL City Council in Feb 1952. In this election, UMNO teamed up with MCA and won 9 out of 12 seats. This gave signs that 2 parties are willing to share power and compromise.  27 July 1955, the first general election was held for the whole of Malaya. The Alliance won 51 out of 52 seats.

12  Tuanku Abdul Rahman led a team to London in Feb 1956 to negotiate Malaya’s independence.  The team consisted – 4 representatives of Malay Rulers, 4 representatives of Alliance Party and 1 British representative.  A Malayan independence negotiation was held in three weeks, started from 18 January to 8 February.  At 8 February, the London agreement was signed and the British promised to grant independence in condition of MALAYA HAVE TO SET UP A MALAYA'S NEW CONSTITUTION.  British agreed to declared the Malayan independence at 31 of august 1957.


14  Drew up constitution that set up a new democratic & unified Malaya with a firm government - had to consider the right of Malays, non - Malays & the sultans  Lord Reid, Sir Ivor Jennings (Britain), Sir William Mackell (Australia), Hakim Abd Hamid (Pakistan) & B.Malik (India)  131 MEMORANDUMS were received from individuals & various organizations  MIC & MCA agreed to give special right to the Malay & Bahasa Melayu as the national language  UMNO allowed Chinese & Indian to receive citizenship & involvement in politics

15  Malaya granted independence in 1957, although the emergency last until 1960.  Tunku Abdul Rahman was the first P.M. He was an English educated prince from Kedah. He served until 1970.  He sought to give special attention to Malays to makeup for past neglect.

16 o The struggle can be separated by 2 phases;  The struggle through bloodshed  The struggle through negotiation THANK YOU…

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