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Feedback and Tips from Mr. Afram Silent film Hester, Pearl and Dimmesdale Movie poster Demi Moore as Hester.

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Presentation on theme: "Feedback and Tips from Mr. Afram Silent film Hester, Pearl and Dimmesdale Movie poster Demi Moore as Hester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback and Tips from Mr. Afram Silent film Hester, Pearl and Dimmesdale Movie poster Demi Moore as Hester

2 Tip #1: Answer the Prompt 9 times out of 10, answer the question in the FIRST sentence. Nearly half of you said “Hawthorne uses rhetorical devices to describe Puritan society.” Why is this response inadequate? Here’s the prompt: In one paragraph, analyze how Hawthorne’s rhetorical strategies portray Puritan society.

3 Tip #2: Stay on Topic Nearly one-quarter of you started talking about Pearl and the rose bush and the presence of hope in the novel. Here’s the problem with the first bullet: That. Doesn’t. Address. The. Prompt. (As much as Pearl is Mr. A’s favorite character.) Mr. Afram’s devilish niece, Sarah. (Yes, she’s a modern-day Pearl.)

4 Tip #3: Lead-ins ROCK Nearly one-quarter of you didn’t have lead-ins for your quotations. One word: Ai-yah! Don’t: “A throng of bearded men, in sad–colored garments and grey steeple–crowned hats, inter– mixed with women.” Do: Hawthorne notes the drab attire of the Puritan community when he describes the appearance “of bearded men, in sad-colored garments and grey steeple-crowned hats.” This austere… Exhibit A: Puritan Male

5 Tip #4: Always Explain Always, always, always write commentary after citing a quotation. Commentary ideas: Explain how the quotation furthers the prompt; Explain how the quotation furthers the author’s message; Explain how the quotation causes a shift in the text; or ??? content/uploads/2011/06/Explanation.jpg&w=500&h=398&ei=wDxJUO_NM6LqiwKp84CwBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=562&vpy=158&dur=739&hovh=200&hovw=252&tx=139&ty=77&sig=112093539928591847515&page=2&tbnh=145&tbnw=182&start=20&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:20,i:217 Explain yourself!

6 Tip #5: Watch your Annotations Most of you are playing “I Spy” with your annotations. Two words: go deeper After you identify the technique or strategy, consider the effect of that device, or how that technique enhances/furthers the author’s message. Do what Afram says—or you’re coming with me!

7 Tip #6: Start on the Left Always type your name on the left-hand side of the page in MLA format: Student First & Last Name Teacher Period Day, Month, Year Joseph Kim Mr. Afram Period 2 10 September 2015 5&page=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:154 Do things properly

8 Tips #7, #8, and #9 #7: Italicize the titles of books (e.g., The Scarlet Letter). #8: All punctuation goes INSIDE the quotation marks. #9: Finally, don’t congratulate the author/text: “Nathanial Hawthorne’s great American novel truly demonstrates masterful use of imagery.”

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