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Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR as a process of accountability: Opportunities for inclusiveness Regional Governance Week Social Accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR as a process of accountability: Opportunities for inclusiveness Regional Governance Week Social Accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR as a process of accountability: Opportunities for inclusiveness Regional Governance Week Social Accountability in a Changing Region Cairo, 26-29 November 2012 Christophe Peschoux, Chief UPR Team OHCHR, Geneva

2 Uniting Nations by Learning Together The UPR is an opportunity for all interested actors to foster national and international dialogue and cooperation in the field of human rights 2

3 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR is an opportunity for States… ___________________________________ To fulfil their human rights obligations, as Members of the UN, and as party to the human rights treaties they have ratified; To initiate dialogue with civil society actors and benefit from their grass roots experience and outreach To learn about human rights through this dialogue and realize their value to initiate a process of development that integrates all components of society (HRBA) and fosters social and political stability (lessons from the “Arab spring”) 3

4 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR: an opportunities for States… ___________________________________ To strengthen existing institutions that are critical to the rule of law (police, justice, etc.) and establish complementary institutions (NHRI, ombudsman, etc.) To establish a permanent mechanism to lead and coordinate the implementation of their human rights commitments, monitor implementation and facilitate reporting in a cost effective manner; To mobilise international attention and assistance to support their development plans by integrating UPR and other human rights recommendations 4

5 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR: an opportunity for civil societies… ___________________________________ At national level: To analyse issues of concern, share their analysis, and define priority areas of concern To coordinate and strengthen their action at national level to engage in the UPR process To strengthen their public advocacy focusing on key issues (media; own reports; stakeholders report) To help disseminate UPR recommendations to the public and state commitments made in Geneva; 5

6 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR: an opportunity for civil societies… ___________________________________ To encourage and support the Government to engage meaningfully in the UPR process To promote national consultations in the preparation of the UPR and participate in them To initiate human rights dialogue and cooperation with national authorities to help them implement, and monitor the implementation of their human rights obligations To promote accountability of public authorities 6

7 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR: an opportunity for civil societies… ___________________________________ At the international level: To promote the concerns of the people before the Human Rights Council To liaise and coordinate their action with other civil society actors, national and international To share experience with them on UPR engagement To sensitize diplomatic missions in Geneva to their concerns and encourage them to make corresponding recommendations; 7

8 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR is an opportunity for National Human Rights Institutions… ___________________________________ At national level: To analyze human rights issues, highlight key areas of concern, and establish priorities; To inform and advise national authorities about human rights concerns and priorities To act as a bridge between national authorities, civil society actors and various segments of the population To advise Government on implementation of UPR recommendations, and monitor implementation 8

9 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR is an opportunity for National Human Rights Institutions… ___________________________________ To promote the voices and concerns of the most disenfranchised people and sensitise national authorities To establish dialogue with civil society actors, cooperate and coordinate action with them To raise awareness among national authorities, civil society actors, and various sectors of society about the UPR and the opportunities it offers for their concerns to be heard and addressed 9

10 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR is an opportunity for National Human Rights Institutions… ___________________________________ At the international level: To provide independent and authoritative information and advice to the HRC on national situations Submit information to the UPR process (in the summary of stakeholders contributions) Act as a bridge between national and international human rights systems To share experience with other NHRI on their role, activities, including their UPR engagement 10

11 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR: an opportunity for UN agencies… ___________________________________ … individually and collectively (UNCT, RC) to use human rights recommendations (UPR, TB, SP) to: review country analysis, objectives, priorities guide and formulate their programming work as one - for increased strength + more efficient advocacy + optimizing resources promote a HRBA to development (in their programmes and through them in Government’s programmes) 11

12 Uniting Nations by Learning Together UPR is an opportunity for UN agencies… ___________________________________ To use UPR recommendations as points of entry to open dialogue with national authorities To develop cooperation with civil society actors, NHRIs, and integrate them to their programmes To use UN HR recommendations to bring around the table Government, CSO, UN agencies, development actors to foster cooperation in support of implementation; To promote national consultations to prepare UPR and through it to promote dialogue and cooperation between the different actors 12

13 Uniting Nations by Learning Together Thank you for your attention 13

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