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Presentation on theme: " Access to and Effect of Social Protection on Workers living with HIV and their Households Afsar Syed Mohammad Senior Technical Specialist,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Access to and Effect of Social Protection on Workers living with HIV and their Households Afsar Syed Mohammad Senior Technical Specialist, ILO Geneva A-641-0408-10216 Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV

2 The Research Plan Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV Global literature review Methodology Analytical Report based on four-country research Guided by an expert group

3 Methodology Desk reviews 124 Key informants’ interviews; 210 participants in FGDs, including key populations Survey with 1961 PLHIV: - 32% in formal economy; 61% in the informal economy - 52% male; 48% female Validation workshops with national stakeholders Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV

4 Key Findings While none of the four countries exclude people living with HIV, only Guatemala and Ukraine explicitly mention them. Availability of social protection does not mean accessibility for people living with HIV, including key populations. Workers in informal economy, particularly women and key populations, face greater challenges in accessing social protection. Given the low level of access to non-health social benefits, the impact of social protection on quality of life is rather limited. A combination of income, livelihood and employment support is needed, in addition to social health protection. Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV

5 ACCESS Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV

6 Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV

7 CHALLENGES Lack of knowledge about the social protection programme Complicated procedures of accessing programmes Stigma and discrimination Out-of-pocket expenses in accessing ART and treatments for opportunistic infections Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV

8 Key Recommendations Enhance awareness of social protection amongst PLHIV and key populations Review procedures for accessing services and remove bottlenecks Strengthen efforts to end stigma and discrimination Engage PLHIV/key populations in governance of programmes Strengthen coordination amongst key stakeholders, including the private sector Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV

9 Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV Thank you very much

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