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Presented by: MADIBA Guillaume Olivier IT Consultant for NRPA CEO of 1 Click to Next.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: MADIBA Guillaume Olivier IT Consultant for NRPA CEO of 1 Click to Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: MADIBA Guillaume Olivier IT Consultant for NRPA CEO of M@DIA 1 Click to Next

2 >> Basics Website objectives 2 A.1 ) The Objectives of the website - To present the NRPA structure and services - To inform about activities and news >> Inform non specialist end-user about services and tools given by NRPA for Radioprotection in Cameroon >> Include the website as an effective tool for the process of collecting the end-user’s request of services. While working on the creation of the NRPA’s website, our team (M@dia) had the followings goals : - Maximize the intuitive browsing of the users. Click to Next

3 A.2.1) For the Basics Website objectives 3 A.2 ) Webdesign strategies for objectives - To Present the structure and services -Summary in Flash Animation at the top -Menu Separation in 3 : - Web functionalities menu (Home, forum, etc) -Information menu (blue bar) -NRPA presentation menu (grey bar) - Sublinks - To Inform about activities and news -“Latest news” slide -Agenda Click to Next NOTE : actual website is still waiting for some contents there can be some little errors and empty zone.

4 A.2.2) Inform non specialist end-user about services and tools given by NRPA for Radioprotection in Cameroon 4 A.2 ) Webdesign strategies for objectives - Maximize the intuitive browsing for the end-user -List of controlled activities at the first view: - Picture swap when above the links to maximize the comprehension. -List of last thematic subject : the idea is to provide a simple classified knowledge base in Radioprotection for the population. Ex: first gesture in nuclear exposition etc. -Summary by end-user with a “You are” zone in red : links to page that list all the interest of the website for a category of people(Researchers, students, seeking authorization). Click to Next

5 5 A.2 ) Webdesign strategies for objectives - Link to category of request form of service The population can now send their needs by the website of NRPA. Click to Next A.2.3) Include the website as an effective tool for the process of collecting the end-user’s request of services. Test : On your browser, you can click on the 2 nd link of this menu and after in the second link of the page which open

6 6 A.2 ) Webdesign strategies for objectives Example of service request form Click to Next A.2.3) Include the website as an effective tool for the process of collecting the end-user’s request of services.

7 7 A.2 ) Webdesign strategies for objectives Actual inclusion of website in NRPA process of end-users request Click to Next A.2.3) Include the website as an effective tool for the process of collecting the end-user’s request of services. NRPA WEBSITE (online forms) NRPA STAFF User Mail 1- Send request by filling form 2 -Send request in a formatted email 3 -Send copy of (2) 4 –Send details for request (fee, RDV, etc) 5-get(4) End-user NOTE : We are planning to do that the system keep the request sent in a database. This is just a temporary solution

8 8 A.3 ) Conclusion about NRPA Website -The NRPA web site is essentially “end-users” oriented. - To foster understanding of technical terms by the people we put a lot of pictures. -The website provides a lot of functionality : poll, forum, agenda, forum, document downloads, etc -The website is becoming one of the effective tool of the NRPA strategy. Click to Next

9 9 >> Define if the FNRBA website is only for the members or also for the end-users. If it is also for end-users so : - Insert thematic subject or general information centre for public - More pictures to foster comprehension >> Insert a latest news slide if possible >> Refine the tree map of the site with the possible following links and sub-links - Regulatory Body or “Members” (instead of just links at the right of home page) -NNR (South Africa) -NRPA (Cameroon) -NNRA (Nigeria) -EAEA (Egypt) -etc Each links to small description page, with the region map covered and links to the website of the member)

10 10 Click to Next >> Refine the tree map of the site with the possible following links and sub-links - What is FNRBA ? (maybe we can centralize basic FNRBA informations with sub-link) -Description -Strategy -Our charter -Language option -English (default) -French -Arabic >> Add if possible the following functionalities : - Breadcrumbs -SiteMap Link - A small animation which can resume the FNRBA in the banner

11 Presented by: MADIBA Guillaume Olivier IT Consultant for NRPA CEO of M@DIA 11 Click to Next

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