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Get-Intro –Name PowerShell Jason Helmick Systems Instructor Interface Technical Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Get-Intro –Name PowerShell Jason Helmick Systems Instructor Interface Technical Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get-Intro –Name PowerShell Jason Helmick Systems Instructor Interface Technical Training

2 MANAGEMENT PROBLEM Graphical management takes to much time Native command line is weak, not standardized, and limited Legacy scripting (vbs) is limited and unsecured No current true interactive management YOUTHEM

3 MANAGEMENT SOLUTION $Answer=Monad June, 2005 - First public beta April 2006 - Renamed PowerShell Nov. 2006 - Release To The Web (RTW) Nov. 2006 Release with Exchange 2007 Feb. 2008 V1 released with Server 2008 Oct. 2010 Version 2 Released Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Jeffrey Snover


5 Verb-Noun o These are designed for us! o What do you want to do?=Verbs o Who do you want?=Noun o Nouns are singular

6 CMDLET ANATOMY Cmdlet Shell Function Script Commands Native Windows COMMAND NAMEPARAMETERARGUMENTS Positional Arguments Always begins with a dash No Arguments, Its a Switch

7 3 MOST IMPORTANT CMDLETS Get-Help Get-Command Get-Member and perhaps.... Get-PSDrive Get-Alias

8 Enough Talk…Demo o Cool Stuff o Don’t Remember any of this! o It’s all RTFM o Don’t Remember any of this….really.

9 Books Bruce Payette Lee Holmes Don Jones Mike Pfeiffer

10 Other Resources o m o b/PowerShell o PowerScripting Podcast o Twitter #PowerShell

11 Thank you! o Blog: o E-Mail: o Twitter: @theJasonHelmick

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