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Content I. Introduction II. Unique features III. Pros & Cons IV. Extra benefits V. Tips & Conclusion.

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3 Content I. Introduction II. Unique features III. Pros & Cons IV. Extra benefits V. Tips & Conclusion

4 First look - A portal for social networking - Social networking : An online society where users are highly interactive with each other

5 Fact and figure Created by Mark Zuckecberg in 2004 Reach 1.5 billions users in 2014 Yearly revenue

6 Unique Features

7 Unique feature - Wall

8 Unique feature Keep in touch with your friends + Update status, events + Comment + Share + check in

9 Unique feature Facebook platform apps, games And so on.............

10 Pros Keep in touch with your relatives, friend, colleagues.

11 Pros Ideal place to communicate, keep up to date with your friend

12 Pros Express your feelings, voices your opinions

13 Cons +Put your privacy at risk ( at the moment and in the future)

14 Cons + Addiction

15 Cons + Anti-social ( hinder face-to-face activity )

16 Cons + Freedom of expression

17 Cons + trickster, predators, tempter, stalker, human traffickers

18 Beyond social network Money making tool + free channel of marketing + “like” and “subscribe” sale

19 Beyond social network Education:

20 Beyond social network Information channel: + Spread information

21 Beyond social network Information channel: + Might become a online profile when employer consider an employee

22 Good facebooker tips Tip1: Do not spend more than 25 minutes a day on Facebook. Tip2: Do not put any information that you don’t want computer geeks to take advantage of Tip3: Refrain from updating your site too often Tip4: Don’t request friendship of people you don’t know. Tip5: Don’t post messages on the walls of people you don’t know

23 Summary Summary Overview of Facebook Indicate some features of Facebook Give Pros and Cons of Facebook Show extra benefits of Facebook Give some advices

24 Conclusion Facebook has its own advantages and disadvantages. It should be used in limit and for any good purpose.



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