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THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES June 1919. In 1919, Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson from the US met to discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES June 1919. In 1919, Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson from the US met to discuss."— Presentation transcript:


2 In 1919, Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson from the US met to discuss how Germany was to be made to pay for the damage world war one had caused. The Germans were not invited to the Paris Conference and had no say in the making of the peace treaty. Although Germany complained about the severity of the Treaty, in the end Germany had no choice but to sign the document. It was signed on June 28 th, 8 months after the armistice German citizens were angry at their politicians for failing

3 WHAT ARE THE MAIN CLAUSES IN THE TREATY?  The treaty was harsh on Germany, it caused them 2 decades of economic depression  War Guilt Clause: Germany must accept sole responsibility for causing World War 1


5 The war has just ended and you have all been chosen to be delegates to debate the creating of a treaty following the first world war In groups with others from your country, you will make choices based on what you think is fair This time, Germany will have representation After you have made your choices, we will negotiate the terms of the treaty. Let’s see if it turns out differently

6 THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: Should Germany be made guilty for starting the war? If so, why? What should be done with the Kaiser of Germany? Should Germany’s armed forces be limited? How? Should Germany be forced to pay for reparations? How much? These are problems the original members of the conference had to decide.

7 THE RESULTS OF YOUR TREATY: 1)Blame: 2) Cost of the War: 3) Colonies 4) German Territory 5) Military


9 suffered the most because a lot of the fighting took place in Northern France. They lost almost 1, 250 000 men. Almost 90% of the coal and iron industry seized by Germany in 1914 so they were hurting economically during the war and at the end, a lot of their mines were deliberately flooded by Germans. 25 000 factories were destroyed

10 lost 750 000 men spent nearly 8 billion dollars and had to borrow money from the US Many citizens wanted revenge. Their leader Lloyd George was more lenient, he didn’t want to punish the Germans too severely to avoid another war (smart man)

11 lost 113 000 men in one year of fighting there was no fighting on their soil their economy boomed because they took over for industries that were lacking in Europe (selling war goods) They saw themselves as heroes

12 There were good and bad results for Canada Bad : 61, 326 died and 172 950 were injured. The war caused internal conflict between Quebec and Ontario It was the beginning of income tax and the cause of national debt. Good: Canada was now equal with Britain in world affairs. They are seen as partners, not just a little colony. The war gave Canadians something to be proud of industry boomed Canada won an independent seat in the League of Nations.


14 I'M GOING TO HELP YOU!! As well as giving you an AWESOME review sheet and a period for review on Monday, here are the essay questions for the test: 1) How ready was Germany for war? Compare their readiness with the readiness of two of the Entente countries. 2) What was the most important technological advancement made in WW1? Why? Support with three different points. 3)Describe the results and effects of the Treaty of Versailles. Was Germany treated fairly? What implications did this treaty have for the future? You will have to choose ONE of these questions to write a 10 mark essay response.

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