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Identifying end-user needs in the Creative Industries Andrea Belloni BIC Lazio Seville, 30 September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying end-user needs in the Creative Industries Andrea Belloni BIC Lazio Seville, 30 September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying end-user needs in the Creative Industries Andrea Belloni BIC Lazio Seville, 30 September 2013.

2 Objectives  To analyse best practices in innovation support for creative industries across Europe in particular in the area of technology deployment and to assess existing dissemination efforts already undertaken in the identified research projects;  To engage with and involve CI clusters across Europe in the DigiBIC network in order to identify market opportunities for ICT-based cultural and memory preservation services leveraging regional initiatives and building on end user needs in European regions;  To define customized roadmaps and winning access-to-market strategies for key technology stakeholders building on actual strengths and addressing potential gaps in current commercialization plans.

3 Tools  Analysis of best practice in innovation support and technologies deployment to CI;  Specific needs analysis of European CI;

4 Specific needs analysis of European CIs The aim of this report is to provide an analysis on the data collected by the different Innovation partners of DigiBIC on the status of local European Creative Enterprises concerning their technology needs. In particular, the report analyses the level of interest in supporting deployment of new technologies to local CI SMEs in different parts of Europe and points out the lessons learned and opportunities for future commercial collaborations among CI SMEs where feasible.

5 Activities : Elaboration of questionnaire to collect information useful for the analysis; Individuation of CI SMEs and Intermediate Bodies; Matching among CI SMEs /Intermediate Bodies and five technologies individuated in the project to get in touch with end-users and intermediaries potentially interested in joint activities with aim to deploy technologies to SMEs; Interviews to CI SMEs and Intermediate bodies in different European Countries;

6 Identifying end user needs in the CI The aim of this report is to provide a set of recommendations regarding communication, dissemination and deployment of research results, technologies and related tools identified and developed through DigiBIC towards industry. In order to avoid overlapping or duplication of activities undertaken in current or previous projects and initiatives the report contains an analysis of best practices in innovation support based on previous studies, projects and initiatives involving various regions or countries in Europe and points out the lessons learned and where feasible opportunities for future collaboration.

7 Activities :  Elaboration of methodology used in the analysis;  Elaboration of a questionnaire to collect information on good practices in innovation support and Technology deployment to CI examined;  Interviews to actors in different European Countries;

8 Links

9 Thank for your attention

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