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X-ray structure of a voltage –dependent K + channel NATURE | VOL 423 | 1 MAY 2003 Youxing Jiang*, Alice Lee, Jiayun Chen, Vanessa Ruta, Martine Chait &

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Presentation on theme: "X-ray structure of a voltage –dependent K + channel NATURE | VOL 423 | 1 MAY 2003 Youxing Jiang*, Alice Lee, Jiayun Chen, Vanessa Ruta, Martine Chait &"— Presentation transcript:

1 X-ray structure of a voltage –dependent K + channel NATURE | VOL 423 | 1 MAY 2003 Youxing Jiang*, Alice Lee, Jiayun Chen, Vanessa Ruta, Martine Chait & Roderick MacKinnon HTSD-NMR 석사 1 학기 전 병 영

2 Voltage dependent K+ channel are members of the family of voltage- dependent cation (K+, Na+ and Ca2+) channels allow ion conduction in response to changes in cell membrane voltage. the structure of KvAP, a voltage-dependent K+ channel from thermophilic archaebacteria Aeropyrum pernix. voltage dependent cation channel contain six hydrophobic segments per subunit, S1–S6 (S5~S6 : pore & ion selectivity,S1~S4 : voltage sensor) Certain charged amino acids within the voltage sensors, particularly the first four arginines in S4, account for most of the gating charge.

3 Bragg’s law : “2 x d sin θ =λ” X-ray 결정크기 : 0.1mm(minimum) 1012 molecule(50x50x50 Å)

4 Protein Purification Protein lysate 를 3h 동안 room temperature 에서 40mM decylmaltoside (DM) 를 첨가, TALON Co2+ affinity column 으로 purify 함 1unit of thrombin per 2mg of protein 21 ℃ Further purification ~ superdex 200(10/30)column MALDI-TOF mass spec 으로 확인. cDNA Cloning and Construction of Expression Plasmids 147aa(isolated voltage sensor), pQE60 expression vector, E.coli XL-1 Blue cell Expression of Proteins Induction : O.D 600 ≃ 1.0 0.4mM IPTG, 37 ℃ incubation Harvest 하여 50mM tris Ph8.0, 100mM KCl, Leupeptin, Pepstatin, Aprotinin, phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride 에서 lysis

5 Protein Crystallization Crystal growth: Sitting Drop vapor diffusion protein 과 동일 volume 의 reservoir solution ㅡ mix,20 ℃ Fab 6E1-KvAP complex crystal PEGMME350, 150~200mM CdCl2, 100mM sodium acetate, pH 5.0 cell dimension a=b=189.4Å, c=150.5Å a=β=γ=90 ℃ Fab 33H1-isolated voltage-sensor complex crystal Cell dimension a=264.7Å, b=61.6Å, c=46.1Å a=γ=90 ℃, β=90.35 ℃ Diffraction images from crystals and diffraction data collection Determination of protein structures CHESS A1, F1 & NSLS X25 beam line / 모든 data 는 CCP4 program ( DENZO, SCALEPACK) Accumulation of 3-D Structure Information

6 Sitting Drop vapor diffusion

7 Figure 1 Structure of the KvAP channel. a, Sequence alignment of KvAP and the Shaker K+ channel. b, Structure of the KvAP channel bound to four Fab fragments,viewed down the four-fold axis from the intracellular side.

8 Figure 2 Stereo view of the KvAP pore and comparison with the KcsA K+ channel. a, An electron density map at 1.0 σ contour (blue mesh) was calculated from the Fab model used in molecular replacement after rigid-body refinement. b, The a-carbon traces of the KvAP pore (blue) and the KcsA K+ channel (green) are shown from the side c, And from the intracellular solution.

9 Table1 Data listed are those used for refinement. Numerous data sets were also collected at CHESS F1 and NSLS X25.

10 Figure 3 Architecture of the KvAP channel. a, Stereo image of the KvAP channel tetramer viewed from the intracellular side of the membrane. b, Stereo image of the KvAP channel tetramer viewed from the side with the intracellular solution below. c, a single KvAP subunit vie wed from the same perspective as in b. d, A schematic diagram of the KvAP subunit topology is shown with an orange selectivity filter and an arrow to indicate the ion pathway.

11 Figure 4 Functional and structural analysis of the isolated voltage-sensor domain. a, The isolated voltage sensor retains its ability to bind tarantula toxins that specifically inhibit voltage sensors. b, VSTX1 inhibits KvAP channel Currents elicited by a á100 mV depolarization. c, Structure of the isolated voltage sensor (cyan) bound to Fab 33H1 green).

12 Figure 5 Structure of the isolated voltage sensor. a, Stereo view with helical elements labelled in cyan and selected amino acids labelled in black using the single-letter code. b–d, The voltage sensor from the beginning of S2 to the end of the voltage-sensor paddle is shown for the full-length KvAP channel

13 Figure 6 The voltage-sensor paddle is conserved. a, Stereo view of the voltage-sensor paddle. b, A multiple sequence alignment of a portion of the voltage sensor from a variety of voltage-dependent K+ channels

14 Figure 7 Effect of Fabs on voltage-sensor conformation. a, Stereo view of two subunits (blue and red) from the full-length channel b, Identical view of the pore (S5–S6) with the isolated voltage sensor docked according to the position of S2 in the full- length channel.

15 Figure 8 Hypothesis for gating charge movements. a, The conventional model of voltage dependent gating b, In the new model

16 1.The channel contains a central ion conduction pore surrounded by voltage sensors, which form what we call ‘voltage-sensor paddles’—hydrophobic, cationic, helix–turn–helix structures on the channel’s outer perimeter. 2. Flexible hinges suggest that the voltage-sensor paddles move In response to membrane voltage changes, carrying their positive charge across the membrane.

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