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In The Name of Allah Fault attacks on ECC

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1 In The Name of Allah Fault attacks on ECC
Fereshte Mozafari Arezoo Dabaghi

2 FLOW Introduction Fault attacks
Differential fault attack & its countermeasure Sign change fault attack & its countermeasure References Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

3 Introduction Elliptic curve is cryptographically strong
An EC over Fp (p > 3) satisfy with: Y2 = x3 + ax2 + b (mod p) In cryptosystems based on EC, a crucial computation is the scalar multiplication of a public base point P with a secret scalar factor k. Q = kP Attacks aim to recover the value of k. Elliptic curve is cryptographically strong Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

4 Fault Attacks Differential Fault Attack(DFA)
Sign Change Fault Attack(SCFA) M Safe- Error Analysis C Safe- Error Analysis Invalid Curve Analysis Invalid Point Analysis Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

5 Differential fault attack(0)
Scalar multiplication Q = k.P P, 𝐸 /𝐹 𝑝 , p

6 Differential fault attack(1)
Preliminaries If enforce a fault randomly in a register than can recover secret key in expected polynomial time binary length of n is k 𝑄 𝑖 value stored in variable Q before iteration I 𝑄′ 𝑖 𝑖𝑠 a disturbed Qβˆ’value Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

7 Differential fault attack(2)
Method Run ECSM once and collect the correct result ( 𝑄 𝑛 ) Enforce register fault in a register holding the variable Q , in iteration n-m < j < n n-1 j 𝑄′ 𝑗 Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

8 Differential fault attack(3)
3. Find the index of the first iteration j’ with j’ > j and π‘˜ 𝑗′ =1 n-1 j’ j 𝑄′ 𝑗′ Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

9 Differential fault attack(4)
4. find candidate for the disturbed Q-value 𝑄′ 𝑗′ 1. check each i with ( n-m < i < n) as candidate for j’ 2. x = {0; 1} π‘›βˆ’π‘– as candidate for the n-i most significant bit of k n-1 j’=i j π‘₯ π‘₯ Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

10 Differential fault attack(4)
4. find candidate for the disturbed Q-value 𝑄′ 𝑗′ n-1 j’=i j (π‘₯ π‘₯ . 2 𝑖 .P)’ 𝑄′ π‘₯𝑖 = 𝑄′ 𝑗′ 𝑄 π‘₯𝑖 𝑑 = 𝑄 𝑛 - π‘₯ π‘₯ . 2 𝑖 .P Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

11 Differential fault attack(5)
5. For each choice of x and i we consider all disturbed Q- values ( 𝑄′ π‘₯𝑖 ) with can derive from 𝑄 π‘₯𝑖 by flipping one bit. 6. calculate 𝑄′ 𝑛 by : Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

12 Differential fault attack(6)
7. if 𝑄′ 𝑛 is identical by 𝑄′ 𝑛 of device i as a candidate for j’ 𝑄′ π‘₯𝑖 as a candidate for 𝑄′ 𝑗′ binary representation of x as a candidate for upper n-j’ of k Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

13 Countermeasure for DFA
intermediate results (Qi , Hi )should be regularly checked randomize the scalar k Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

14 SCFA on ECC(1) Over NAF-based left-to-right doubling algorithm
Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

15 SCFA on ECC(2) Basic idea: recover the bits of k in pieces of 1 ≀ r ≀ m bits A SCF changes the sign of y-coordinate of an attacked point Q οƒ  Qf Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

16 SCFA on ECC(3) the only unknown part is Li (k)
This allows to recover bits of k starting from the LSB Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

17 Injection of SCF on Qi β€˜(1)
Input: access to algorithm1 n the length of private key, k > 0 in NAF Q = kP, m a parameter for acceptable amount of offline work Output: k with probability at least 1/2 #Step1: Collect faulty output collect the set S by including SCF on Qi’ Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

18 Injection of SCF on Qi β€˜(2)
#step2: Inductive Retrieval of Secret Key Bits 1. Set s := -1 2. While(s < n-1) do 3. Set 4. For all lengths of r = 1,2,…,m do 5. For all valid NAF-patterns x = (xs+1,xs+2,…,xs+r) do S+1 LSBs of k are known Compute known LSB part Try all possible bit pattern with length r Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

19 Injection of SCF on Qi β€˜(3)
6. Set 7. For all do 8. If then 9. conclude ks+1 = xs+1, ks+2 = xs+2,…, ks+r = xs+r , set s := s + r Compute test condidate Tx Verify Tx Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

20 Injection of SCF on Qi β€˜(4)
10. If no test candidate satisfies the verification step,then assume that ks+1 = 0, set s := s continue at Line Verify Q = kP If this fails then output ”failure” 13. Output β€œk” Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

21 Countermeasure for SCFA(1)
Uses a second elliptic curve whose order is a small prime number(t) to verify the final results E = Ep := E( Fp ) Et := E( Ft ) Ept is defined with parameters Apt and Bpt Apt ≑ Ap mod p, Apt ≑ At mod t Bpt ≑ Bp mod p, Bpt ≑ Bt mod t Qpt = k Ppt Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

22 Countermeasure for SCFA(2)
Attacks in Line 4 cannot yield a faulty output Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

23 References 1. J. Blomer, M. Otto, J. Seifertβ€œSign Change Fault Attacks On Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems,” Fault Diagnousis and Tolerance iv Cryptograghy , pp , J. Fan, I. Verbouwhede, β€œAn Updated Survey on Secure ECC Implementations: Attacks, Countermeasures and Cost,” Cryptography and Security, pp , J. Fan, X. Gue, E. Mulder, β€œState-of-the-art of secure ECC implementations: a survey on known side-channel attacks and countermeasures,” International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust , pp , I. Biehel, B. Meyer, V. Muller, "Diferential Fault Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems," Advance in Cryptography, pp , B. Johannes, O. Martin, S. Jean-Pierre, β€˜Sign Change Fault Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems” Hardware Security and Trust, CE, SUT

24 When that you think every thing is hidden and no one can see within , remember my friend , God can

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