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2 WHO Who is WHO? World Health Organization United Nations’ agency
Established in 1948 Objective is attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health (not just the absence of disease)

3 ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Provides standard language & framework for description of health & disability Across disciplines, service delivery settings, countries, disabilities TR will need to learn the content & language of ICF to talk with other professionals Outcomes Funding

4 ICF 1st version was 1980 Revised 2002
Focused on impairment, disability & handicap Revised 2002 Focuses on health & functioning vs. disability Common framework for planning, managing, & evaluating services

5 Conceptual Models of Disability
What is the Medical Model? Views disability as feature of person Disability is directly caused by disease, trauma, or other health conditions Requires medical care proved by professionals Calls for medical tx or intervention to “correct” the problem

6 Conceptual Models of Disability
What is the Social Model? Views disability as a socially created problem It is not just an attribute of a person Disability demands a political response Problems are created by unaccommodating physical environment brought about by attitudes & other features of the social environment

7 Conceptual Models of Disability
What is the Biopsychosocial Model? ICF based on this model Integration of medical & social Disability and functioning viewed as outcomes of interaction between health conditions (disease, disorders, injuries) and contextual factors

8 Conceptual Models of Disability
Contextual factors External environmental factors Social attitudes, architectural barriers, legal & social structures, climate, etc. Internal personal factors Gender, age, coping skills, social background, education, past & present experiences, etc. Factors that influence how disability is experienced by the individual

9 ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases & Related Health Problems Provides diagnosis Diagnosis alone doesn’t predict service needs, length of hospitalization, level of care or functional outcomes Complimentary to ICF

10 ICF ICF Full Version ICF Checklist
Standardized interdisciplinary assessment Completed after therapist & tx team conduct their assessments of needs & strengths Produces task by task score Criterion-referenced

11 ICF Check out the assessment

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