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Week 6:. Let’s see what you think so far about your topic: Write a small paragraph where you state your stance and three main reasons to support your.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 6:. Let’s see what you think so far about your topic: Write a small paragraph where you state your stance and three main reasons to support your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 6:

2 Let’s see what you think so far about your topic: Write a small paragraph where you state your stance and three main reasons to support your side.

3 You review your sources and begin to fill in the “T” Graphic Organizer. After each note put source info in parentheses Once you get facts into the three basic categories, Advanced students will start to look for ways to group the notes within each of the boxes.

4 1. General topic: digital cameras What is the best topic sentence? a. Digital cameras have more features than film cameras. b. Digital cameras are expensive. c. You can delete the pictures on a digital camera. 2. Topic Sentence: My favorite food is pizza. Which details doesn’t long? 1. I love the crunchy crust and the melted mozzarella cheese. 2. The best thing I like to drink with it is a giant glass of soda. 3. It’s good either as a snack or as a main course. 4. My brother only likes pizza with anchovies and artichokes on it. We need to start thinking about our big “reasons” as the topic sentences for our paragraphs. Our evidence becomes the “supporting detail” sentences

5 You practice building body paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting details and a clincher (conclusion sentence) You start to group your notes into “chunks” or main reasons. Your exit ticket today is answering this: “how reasons and evidence fit into the body paragraph how practicing body paragraph structure helps you with sorting your “reasons” and “evidence”

6 Take the Cats vs Dogs Handout On your Do Now copy down this outline: II. Body Paragraphs 1. Topic sentence:_____________________________________________ Supporting Detail:________________________________________ Supporting Details:_______________________________________ Concluding Sentence:______________________________________ Read the three body paragraphs. Fill out your partial outline with the sentences from first of the body paragraphs.

7 You organize your Reasons and your Evidence into Topic Sentences and Supporting Details using an outline like the one we practiced with the Cats and Dogs essay.

8 Create a SMART GOAL for today. It must be observable/measurable. Things to consider: This is the last day in class to work on your body paragraphs. We will start preparing to turn our body paragraph outlines into speeches on Monday. You might need to think about the counterarguments for the debate even if you don’t use them in your body paragraphs. In other words, if you are already done outlining, perhaps use today to research the counterarguments. HW: Body paragraph outline due MONDAY. Have your Perfect Paragraph worksheet and Week 6 DO NOWS on desk. We will turn them in today after we share our Goals

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