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Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS)

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Presentation on theme: "Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS)
High level architecture and subcomponents Stuart McCafferty EnerNex Corporation

2 Demand Response Management System (DRMS)
SCADA Business Rules Engine Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS) Business Rules Optimization and Analysis for DR (BROADR) Historian Load Information Network Status & Load Information Addresses of DR Devices Total capacity of Package Confidence Value Market Information / Signals (CAISO) Visualization Scenario Development Scenario Confidence Distributed Resource Analysis Engine Business Rules Analyzer How much <generation/shed> do we need? Generation Capacity Demand Responsive Devices Database Change Load Conditions Grid Conditions Are Not Normal Commands Attributes and Behavior Demand Responsive Devices and Access Paths Aggregator AMI Load Curtailment Commands

3 DRACS Components Demand Responsive Devices and behavior database
Requires import functionality for DR devices and behavior Distributed Resource Analysis Engine Visualization

4 DRACS Distributed Resource Analysis Engine
Description: Scenario evaluator that exercises algorithms based on historical and simulated human behavior, network status, attributes, and latencies Inputs Scenario(s) from BROADR Demand Responsive Devices database DR/customer capacities DR/customer historical behavior Network status and load information Outputs Confidence of meeting load management request

5 DRACS Demand Responsive Devices Database Component
Description: Database incorporating DR device attributes, historical human behavior, and network characteristics Device discovery, maintain device directory Library of available Demand-Responsive devices Device type Consumer Generator Both Device Maximum Capacity Access Point Address Meter GUID Device Address Aggregator Previous human behavior responses to DR events Network characteristics

6 DRACS Visualization Component
Description: Provide visualization capability of real time data and drill down capability for demand responsive devices Inputs: Load parameters from SCADA historian Network information Devices from database Outputs Plots Google Map-like representation of DR landscape

7 Backup Slides

8 Other Information to Capture and Include in DRACS model
Price Signal Implementation Technology Manual PCT Direct Load Control Home EMS Climate Zone Temperature Customer Type Time of Day Past History


10 Inputs DRMS Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS)
SCADA Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS) Load or Generation Needs Business Rules Engine Business Rules Optimization Analysis for DR (BROADR) System Loads Analyzer Demand Responsive Devices Database Analyzer Best solution (w/ confidence Interval) DR Loads Market Info Type, Address, Access Point, Capacity DR Generators Generation Aggregator

11 Outputs DRMS Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS)
Best solution (w/ confidence Interval) Demand Response Analysis and Control System (DRACS) Business Rules Optimization Analysis for DR (BROADR) Analyzer DR Loads Demand Responsive Devices Database Analyzer Load or Generation Needs DR Generators Shed or Generate Instructions AMI Aggregator Shed or Generate Commands Load Curtailment Shed Commands

12 Demand Responsive Devices
DRACS Functionality Situational Awareness Aggregation of usage inputs Device discovery, maintain device directory Library of available Demand-Responsive devices Device type Consumer Generator Both Device Maximum Capacity Access Point Address Meter GUID Device Address Aggregator Implementation of buy/shed decisions Real time control Demand side load management Device type Consumer Generator Both Device Maximum Capacity Access Point Address Meter GUID Device Address Aggregator Demand Responsive Devices Database

13 Business Rules Optimization Analysis for DR (BROADR) Functionality
Supply/Demand Business Analysis Inputs: Market conditions, system load status Interface with DRACS Planning Inputs: Day ahead plan from ISO, estimated demand, available power and price in 5 minute intervals (price set 24 hours ahead of time) Perform Day Ahead Planning Price adjustment Price analysis Internal Web interface Visualization of supply price and availability, estimated demand and profit information Execution Control Inputs: load and demand usage in x time interval Real time control Load shedding Generation increase Internal real time Web interface ? Customer Interfaces & Registration Programs Web Portal In home display Consumer, business, industrial programs

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