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©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Activate Prior Knowledge CFU What are we going to do today?

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1 ©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Activate Prior Knowledge CFU What are we going to do today? In your own words, what does ________ mean? ________ means __________. Learning Objective Connection Students, you already know ________________________________________. Today, we will ___________________________________________________. compare- identify similarities and differences Varieties- different types Academic Vocabulary content objective: I compare different English varieties when I read (e.g., dialects, registers) Language objective: I can use formal English to interpret varying dialects and registers Where do you think these people are from? why What does the word tunnerfish and sam’wich mean?

2 ©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Concept Development Examples: 1 2 CFU Formal – official or proper Informal – unofficial or casual Academic Vocabulary Dialect usually refers to regional differences in language. Where we live can affect the vocabulary, pronunciation, and even grammar we use when speaking or writing Cowboy Dialect What is the difference between the two dialects? What is dialect? What type of dialect is used in the example? What dialects are you familiar with?

3 ©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Concept Development Examples: 1 2 3 CFU Social context- situation Formal – official or proper Informal – unofficial or casual Academic Vocabulary Register is how you speak in formal and informal settings. Register is dependent on social contexts or situations Informal (causal) Formal (proper or official) Notice how Malia words changes when she is in a formal setting How are informal English and formal English different? What is register? Can you provide an example?

4 ©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Skill Development/Guided Practice CFU (process questions): Dialect- regional difference in language Register- how you speak in formal and informal settings Academic Vocabulary Steps to Complete the Skill: 1 2 3 Read passage Identify words or phrases that use a different dialect or register other than formal English Determine what it would mean using formal English What words or phrases reveals a different dialect? What would it mean in formal English? Teacher modeled What dialect was used in the passage? How do you know?

5 ©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Skill Development/Guided Practice CFU (process questions): Steps to Complete the Skill: 1 2 3 Read passage Identify words or phrases that use a different dialect or register other than formal English Determine what it would mean using formal English What words or phrases reveals a different dialect ? Reword it using formal English. Teacher modeled Dialect- regional difference in language Register- how you speak in formal and informal settings Academic Vocabulary

6 ©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Skill Development/Guided Practice CFU (process questions): Steps to Complete the Skill: 1 2 3 Read passage Identify words or phrases that use a different dialect or register other than formal English Determine what it would mean using formal English What words or phrases reveals a different dialect or register? Reword it using a formal register. Pretend this is a conversation between a student and a teacher. Teacher modeled Mary is playing with Mark at the park Mary: Wa-sup, where did you get those cool kicks? Mark: My rents paid a grip of money for these. Mary: word? Mark: word! Mary: I’m bout tell my peeps that I want a pair for Christmas! Dialect- regional difference in language Register- how you speak in formal and informal settings Academic Vocabulary

7 ©2012 DataWORKS Educational Research EDI Lesson Plan Template for TEACHER-CREATED lessons. Relevance Closure It is important to compare different English varieties as you read because it helps you better understand what you are reading and make connections with the text What words or phrases reveals a different dialect or register? Reword it using formal English What is dialect? What is register? Independent Practice/ Closure

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