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Z39.50 Maintenance Agency

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1 Z39.50 Maintenance Agency

2 Maintenance Development Registration Implementor Information

3 Formal Standards Maintenance Defect Reports Amendments New versions

4 Z39.50-1995 Defect Report Z39.50MA-DR0001: Close Reason February 1999 Defect Report Number: Z39.50MA-DR0001 Source of Report: Bob Waldstein Report Concerning: Close Service Type of Defect: Editorial Reference in Document: and ASN.1 Nature of Defect: There is a reason of 'response to Close request'. But in the ASN, value 8 is 'peerAbort'. Solution Proposed: Change 'peerAbort' to 'responseToPeer' in ASN.1. Status/Secretariat Response: June 1998: Endorsed by ZIG. January 1999: Circulated for review to SC 4 members; comments due April 30, 1999.

5 Z39.50-1995 Amendment Z39.50MA-AM0001: Encapsulation Amendment Number: Z39.50MA-AM0001 Original Date: 1/97 Modified: 5/99. Amendment: This amendment designates option bit 15 for encapsulation, defined as follows. 1.Encapsulation is negotiated during initialization. Option bit 15 is designated. If the client sets option bit 15 in the Init request, then: The client proposes that "encapsulation be in effect”…… Status: This proposed amendment had been tabled, 6/98; it has now been modified and will be considered at the August 1999 ZIG meeting.

6 Formal Standards Maintenance Defect Reports Amendments

7 Informal Maintenance Clarifications Commentaries Implementor Agreements

8 Z39.50 Clarifications Clarifications Pending Approval Approved: 1.Present request out-of-range 2.Explain element maxTerms 3.Partial Search Results 4.SUTRS and InternationalString. 54.Keyword Searching of Bibliographic Systems 55.Ascending and Descending by "frequency" in Sort 56.Single-PDU, Multi-database Searching -- Status

9 Keyword Searching of Bibliographic Systems Issue raised by: Fay Turner Synopsis: Keyword searching of bibliographic systems is useful when neither the exact author, title or subject of an item is known, or when the objective of the search is to identify a broad range of documents to which the keywords apply. Characteristics of keyword searching include: Searching one or more words that do not have to be in any order. ……….. What combination of bib-1 attributes should be used to specify a keyword search?

10 For bibliographic system searching, queries where all operands are constructed as follows are to be interpreted as keyword searches: Position: any-position-in-field (3) or absent Relation: equal (3) or absent Completeness: incomplete-field (1) or absent Structure: word (2) Truncation: absent or as supported by the server for keyword searching Use: as supported by the server for keyword searching (including ANY, if supported). Term: a single word Status: Approved 3/99

11 ZIG Commentaries Pending Comentaries Approved: 1. Explain Term Lists 2. REAL in GRS-1 3. Non-scanable term-lists. 14. Schema Identifier 15. Delete 16. Support for Single-PDU, Multi-database Searching

12 Question from: Claudia Rolker Tue, 28 Jul 1998 14:26:06 +0200 Question: What is the purpose of the Delete Service? Result sets are deleted automatically after the z-association is closed. When would it make sense to delete results during a z-association?

13 Servers often have a limit to the number of named result sets they can store. A server may unilaterally delete a result set, particularly when the limit is reached. So it makes good sense for a client to delete a result set it no longer needs, to forestall the possibility that a result set that it does still need may be unilaterally deleted. Some servers charge to maintain results, so deleting a result set as soon as it is no longer needed may help reduce cost. Status: Approved (10/98)

14 Z39.50 Implementor Agreements Pending Agreements Approved: 1.Linear Range Searching 2.Message Size Negotiation 3.Bib-1 Attribute Set Semantics 4.Use of Init Parameters for Negotiation and User Information 5.Returning Diagnostics in an Init Response 6.Free-Form Human-entered-Text Search 7.Embedding MARC in a GRS-1 Record

15 Free-Form Human- entered-Text Search A free-form human-entered-text search, using the bib-1 attribute set consists of an operand constructed as follows: 1.Use: any bib-1 Use attribute 2.Relation: Relevance 3.Position : must be omitted 4.Structure: Free form text 5.Truncation : must be omitted 6.Completeness : must be omitted Term: free-form human-entered-text-string

16 Registry of Z39.50 Object Identifiers Attribute Sets Diagnostic Sets Record Syntaxes Extended Services User Information Formats Element Specification Formats Schemas (etc.)

17 Attribute Sets Object Identifier Name Usage Reference 1.2.840.10003.3.1 bib-1 bibliographic Appendix 3 (ATR) 1.2.840.10003.3.2 exp-1 explain Appendix 3 (ATR) 1.2.840.10003.3.5 gils locators GILS profile 1.2.840.10003.3.6 stas scientific/technical CNIDR 1.2.840.10003.3.8 cimi-1 museum collection info CIMI Profile 1.2.840.10003.3.9 geo-1 geospatial metadata GEO Profile

18 Register of Implementors Hosts Available for Testing Z39.50 Projects Z39.50 Software Profiles Bibliography, etc.Bibliography The Z39.50 Text



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