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Corcoran Unified School District
Fresno County Office of Education Curriculum & Instruction Sam Nofziger Coordinator, English Learner Program Support October 6, 2014
Agenda 2012 CA ELD Standards Overview Designated and Integrated ELD
Integrated ELD- Implementation and Practice
CISC Institute, Asilomar February 21-22, 2013
California 2012 English Language Development Standards: Overview & Strategies for Implementation Lupita Cortez Alcalá Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, Instruction & Learning Support Branch California Department of Education Karen Cadiero-Kaplan English Learner Support Division Director California Department of Education Pamela Spycher Senior Research Associate California Comprehensive Center at WestEd Session Description: This session will provide an overview of the 2012 ELD Standards including the Proficiency Level Descriptors and sample elements from grade level standards and appendices. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the key shifts that were made to fully align the new ELD standards with the California Common Core State Standards (CCSS); discuss classroom vignettes that illustrate ELD in content instruction and ELD focused instruction. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss strategies for implementation in K-12 settings. CISC Institute, Asilomar February 21-22, 2013 3
ELD Standards: Design and Purpose
Aligned with and to be used in tandem with Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Literacy Highlight and amplify the critical language, knowledge about language, and skills using language in the CCSS necessary for English Learners to be successful in school Provide fewer, clearer, higher standards so teachers can focus on what’s most important Strengthen English Language Development in core content subjects and in targeted ELD in light of next-generation content standards Lupita: (Timing: 2 min.) The purpose of the ELD standards in the current context of Common Core is to align with these standards so that they highlight and amplify the key language (read from slide). To this end, Correspondence with in English Common Core in Language arts is strong and consistent.
Rethinking Instruction for ELs
Lupita: (This replaces the multiple shifts slides from before.) Timing (5 min.) This introduces participants to the Alliance for Excellent Education policy brief and discussed the need for shifts in the ways we approach teaching and learning for ELs (which happen to be the same shifts we made when we designed the ELD Standards). The CCSS and the next generation science standards necessitate multiple shifts in the way we approach language and content instruction for ELs. Talking points: Language and content are inextricably linked: Content learning is integral to language learning. Learning about language supports comprehension and content learning. Instruction for ELs must include: intellectually rich activities, a focus on comprehending complex texts, collaborative discussions about content, explicit attention to the specific language demands of the disciplines. Language is a social, meaning-making process acquired through interacting in meaningful ways with other people. Leadership, vision, and a sense of shared responsibility are needed to provide supportive policies, build educator capacity, and develop effective approaches to English learners’ language and literacy instruction. Alliance for Excellent Education, 2012
CA ELD Standards: Elements
Karen: Because the structure of the ELD Standards is quite different than the structure of the previous ELD Standards, I’m going to spend some time describing their structure and also explaining some key points. Essentially, there are three main elements of the ELD Standards: The Overview and Proficiency Level Descriptors The Grade Level Standards, for each individual grade level K-8 and the grade spans 9-10 and 11-12 Appendices, which provide elaboration and guidance Glossary of Key Terms
CA 2012 ELD Standards: Proficiency Levels
4/27/2017 CA 2012 ELD Standards: Proficiency Levels Native Language Emerging Expanding Bridging Lifelong Language Learning Lifelong Language Learning: Students who reach proficiency in English continue to build increasing breadth, depth, and complexity in comprehending and communicating in English in a wide variety of contexts. Native Language: Students come to school with a wide range of language resources from their home language. There are now three proficiency levels: Emerging, Expanding, Bridging. The “bridge” alluded to is the transition to full engagement in grade‐level academic tasks and activities in a variety of content areas without the need for specialized ELD instruction.
The Grade Level ELD Standards
Each grade level’s standards include: Section 1: 2-page “At a Glance” Section 2: Grade level standards Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways Part II: Learning about How English Works Part III: Using Foundational Literacy Skills Pam
Section 1: At-a-Glance Overview
Similar to the CCSS anchor standards
Section 2: Parts I, II, and III
Part I Part III Part II
CA ELD Standards Resources:
Appendix A: Foundational Literacy Skills Appendix B: Learning About How English Works Appendix C: Theory and Research Appendix D: Context, Development, Validation Glossary
Appendix A: alignment chart example
The templates cover student language and literacy characteristics, considerations for literacy foundation skills instruction, and corresponding common core foundational reading standards, each across both oral and print skills. Carefully noted on all but the kindergarten template is that “below grade-level standards need to be adapted for students age, cognitive level, and experience” so that these additional standards – if needed – are not addressed using materials that are inappropriate or embarrassing to older EL students. The secondary level template also notes the need for special curriculum to meet the particular pedagogical literacy needs of secondary level EL students, including the need to teach the foundational literacy skills in an accelerated time frame. – a definite signal to the ELA/ELD curriculum framework 12
Appendix B: Part II ~ Learning about how English works cont.
Provides guidance on how to apply Part II of the standards in tandem with Part I Discusses some of the language Demands of the CCSS Shows differences between everyday and academic English Provides ideas and strategies to support transition to academic English, with attention to register The focus on understanding how English works in Part II is integral to and inseparable from EL students’ development of meaning‐making and purposeful interaction as delineated in Part I of the CA ELD Standards: Interacting in Meaningful Ways. This approach parallels that of the Common Core State Standards themselves, which identify a strand for language standards, but as Appendix A of the Common Core State Standards’ national release (referred to hereafter as Appendix A) notes, “the inclusion of Language standards in their own strand should not be taken as an indication that skills related to conventions, effective language use, and vocabulary are unimportant to reading, writing, speaking, and listening; indeed, they are inseparable from such contexts” (p. 28).4 s Given that Part II is a distinctive feature of the new standards, there was a clear call from the field to better explain the “what” and “why” of this section of the standards. Again, Part II offers something that’s been largely absent from prior ELD standards: learning about how the language resources available in English are used to make meaning and achieve particular communicative purposes 13
Register: The type of language we use in particular social situations when communicating with a particular set of people. 30 sec. Halliday has referred to register as the constellation of lexical and grammatical resources that constitute particular genres. In other words, it’s the type of language that we use in particular social situations or when communicating with a particular set of people.
Playing with Register Partner A explain to Partner B what happened when you got a speeding ticket as if you were talking to your best friend and/or spouse. Partner B explain what happened when you got a speeding ticket as if you were telling a young child. Partner A explain what happened when you got a speeding ticket as if you were trying to persuade a traffic court judge to let you off the hook. Partner B explain what happened when you got a speeding ticket as if you were telling your mom. 2 min. For further example and explanation, have participants find a partner. Have Partner A explain to Partner B what happened when they got a speeding ticket as if they were talking to their very best friend. Have Partner B explain what happened when they got a speeding ticket as if they were telling their young child. Have Partner A explain what happened when they got a speeding ticket as if they were telling a traffic court judge– presto! Changes in register.
Everyday English Registers Academic English Registers
“Polluting the air is wrong, and I think people should really stop polluting.” “Although many countries are addressing pollution, environmental degradation continues to create devastating human health problems each year.” Register: More typical of spoken (informal) English Register: More typical of written (formal) English Background knowledge: More typical of everyday interactions about commonsense things in the world Background knowledge: Specialized or content‐rich knowledge about topics, particularly developed through school experiences and wide reading Vocabulary: Fewer general academic and domain‐ specific words (pollute, pollution) Vocabulary: More general academic words (address, although, devastating) and domain‐ specific words/phrases (environmental degradation, pollution) Sentence: Compound sentence Sentence: Complex sentence Clauses: Two independent clauses connected with a coordinating conjunction (and) Clauses: One independent clause and one dependent clause connected with a subordinating conjunction (although) to show concession Take a few minutes and review the registers in the table, think of instances in your own classroom where students use “everyday” and “academic” registers to discuss or write about a topic, How can recognizing these differences impact your teaching for Els?
Appendix C: Theoretical Foundations defining scaffolding practices
A substantial section is devoted to carefully defining scaffolding practices, both from a conceptual standpoint as highlighted here, and clarifying the proper, temporary use of scaffolds 17 (Appendix C)
Glossary of Key Terms Provides definitions, explanations, and examples of key terms in the ELD Standards and the CCSS for ELA/Literacy:
CDE’s next steps for ELA and ELD
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: Standards Assessment Development ( ) Superintendent’s Report: Transitioning to a Future Assessment System ELD Standards Online Professional Learning Modules ( ) ELA/ELD Curriculum Framework ( ) Next-generation ELD assessment developed ( ) AB1719-Supplemental ELD Materials (June 30, 2014) ELA/ELD Adoption of K-8 Instructional Materials (2016)
Planning For Implementation
Discuss: When will you share this information with your teachers/staff? How will you share this information with your teachers/staff? What supports do you need for full implementation? Discuss with a partner… share with the whole group.
Break Break Time: 15 minutes
Designated and Integrated ELD
4/27/2017 Designated and Integrated ELD Designated ELD “Each English Learner receives a program of instruction in English Language Development in order to develop proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible.” (CA, CPM, VII-EL12, Sept. 2005) This instruction continues until the English Learner reaches the district’s criteria for Re-Classification (Re-Designation)
Designated and Integrated ELD
How have we been “doing it?” Deployment? In classroom differentiation? Pull-Out? Push In? “Not doing it is not an option!” ELD is CORE for all EL’s.
Designated and Integrated ELD
The language components needed to be successful in grade level content: Academic Vocabulary Academic Syntax Register Promoting Collaborative Discussion Support Comprehension and Interpretation of Complex Text Supporting Academic Writing and Speaking
Designated and Integrated ELD
Jigsaw Reading AC ELA/ELD Framework, Chapter 2 Make groups of five (5) Count off 1-5 Integrated ELD Promoting Collaborative Discussion Support Comprehension and Interpretation of Complex Text Supporting Academic Writing and Speaking Implications for Integrated ELD Be ready to share your reading section with your group.
Designated and Integrated ELD
An Example... An algebra lesson with collaborative language- the distributive property
School and Classroom Application
What does this Designated and Integrated ELD mean to your school/classroom? What needs to be in place? What needs to be monitored? What needs to be supported? What is needed for full implementation at your site?
Planning For Implementation
Discuss: When will you share this information with your teachers/staff? How will you share this information with your teachers/staff? What supports do you need for full implementation? Discuss with a partner… share with the whole group.
Lunch Lunch Time: 60 minutes
Integrated ELD- Implementation and Practice
Teacher Responsibility Coach Responsibility Administrative Responsibility
Integrated ELD- Implementation and Practice: Teacher Responsibility
2012 ELD Standards Review Interacting in Meaningful Ways Learning How English Works Foundational Skills A review using grade 3 standards (Same structure in every grade level set.)
The Grade Level ELD Standards
Each grade level’s standards include: Section 1: 2-page “At a Glance” Section 2: Grade level standards Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways Part II: Learning about How English Works Part III: Using Foundational Literacy Skills Pam
Interacting in Meaningful Ways
4/27/2017 Interacting in Meaningful Ways Promoting Collaborative Discussion Supporting Academic Writing and Speaking Collaborative Language Interpretive Language Productive Language What are the specific skills described in the 2012 ELD Standards? How is that language built within a grade level content lesson?
Learning How English Work
Structuring Cohesive Text Expanding and Enriching Text Connecting and Condensing Ideas What are the specific skills described in the 2012 ELD Standards? How is that language built within a grade level content lesson?
How is that language built within a grade level content lesson?
Foundational Skills How is that language built within a grade level content lesson?
Coach Responsibilities
Model Lessons that integrate English Language Development (ELD) Support Teachers in the development of lessons that integrate ELD. Coach teachers in their development of Integrated ELD lessons. Celebrate success and encourage growth in everyone!
Coaching Fellow Teachers: A Collaborative Structure
Administrative Responsibilities
The Focused Walk Cycle Professional learning Shared Focus Focused Walks Data Collection Communicate Results Respond Professional Learning
1 Professional Learning 6 2 respond Shared Focus FOCUS WALK CYCLE 5
CPSEL #1 “Vision” 6 respond CPSEL #3 “resources” 2 Shared Focus CPSEL #2 “Culture” FOCUS WALK CYCLE CPSEL #6 “POLITICAL” 5 Communicate Results CPSEL #1 “Vision” 3 Focus walks CPSEL #2 “Culture” PL CO: Recognize current PL practice and fit it in the Focus Walk Cycle. LO: Participants will orally synthesize, with a partner, current PL opportunities at their site. SF CO: Identify actions LO: CPSELS Standard 1 Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. * Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. * Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system. * Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. * Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. * Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision. * Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students. Standard 2 Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. * Shape a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work. * Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. * Facilitate the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology. * Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. * Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, distributed leadership, and shared responsibility. * Create an accountability system grounded in standards-based teaching and learning. * Utilize multiple assessments to evaluate student learning in an ongoing process focused on improving the academic performance of each student. Standard 3 Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. * Sustain safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. * Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems. * Establish school structures and processes that support student learning. * Utilize effective systems management, organizational development, and problem-solving and decision-making techniques. * Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all subgroups of students. * Monitor and evaluate the program and staff. * Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. Standard 4 Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. * Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. * Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect. * Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. * Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. * Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media. * Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services. Standard 5 Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. * Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness, and expect the same behaviors from others. * Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. * Use the influence of office to enhance the educational program, not personal gain. * Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. * Demonstrate knowledge of the standards-based curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. * Demonstrate skills in decision-making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management, and evaluation. * Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. * Engage in professional and personal development. * Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. * Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. Standard 6 Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. * Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. * Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources and support for all subgroups of students. * Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. * Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. * Collect and report accurate records of school performance. * View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. * Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement. 4 Data Collection CPSEL #2 “culture”
1 Professional Learning 6 2 respond Shared Focus FOCUS WALK CYCLE 5
CPSEL #1 “Vision” 6 respond CPSEL #3 “resources” 2 Shared Focus CPSEL #2 “Culture” FOCUS WALK CYCLE CPSEL #6 “POLITICAL” 5 Communicate Results CPSEL #1 “Vision” 3 Focus walks CPSEL #2 “Culture” CO: Identify actions taken with my staff to create a shared focus in the Focus Walk Cycle LO: Participants will orally develop a logical alignment between PL and a shared focus. CPSELS Standard 1 Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. * Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. * Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system. * Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. * Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. * Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision. * Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students. Standard 2 Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. * Shape a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work. * Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. * Facilitate the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology. * Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. * Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, distributed leadership, and shared responsibility. * Create an accountability system grounded in standards-based teaching and learning. * Utilize multiple assessments to evaluate student learning in an ongoing process focused on improving the academic performance of each student. Standard 3 Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. * Sustain safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. * Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems. * Establish school structures and processes that support student learning. * Utilize effective systems management, organizational development, and problem-solving and decision-making techniques. * Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all subgroups of students. * Monitor and evaluate the program and staff. * Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. Standard 4 Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. * Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. * Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect. * Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. * Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. * Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media. * Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services. Standard 5 Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. * Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness, and expect the same behaviors from others. * Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. * Use the influence of office to enhance the educational program, not personal gain. * Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. * Demonstrate knowledge of the standards-based curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. * Demonstrate skills in decision-making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management, and evaluation. * Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. * Engage in professional and personal development. * Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. * Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. Standard 6 Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. * Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. * Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources and support for all subgroups of students. * Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. * Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. * Collect and report accurate records of school performance. * View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. * Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement. 4 Data Collection CPSEL #2 “culture”
4/27/2017 Focus Walk Cycle Reflect in your partner on what has occurred thus far in relation to a shared focus in your work 1. Develop the shared focus for our data collection tool. 2. Share out
1 Professional Learning 6 2 respond Shared Focus FOCUS WALK CYCLE 5
CPSEL #1 “Vision” 6 respond CPSEL #3 “resources” 2 Shared Focus CPSEL #2 “Culture” FOCUS WALK CYCLE CPSEL #6 “POLITICAL” 5 Communicate Results CPSEL #1 “Vision” 3 Focus walks CPSEL #2 “Culture” FW CO: LO: DC CPSELS Standard 1 Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. * Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. * Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system. * Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. * Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. * Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision. * Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students. Standard 2 Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. * Shape a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work. * Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. * Facilitate the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology. * Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. * Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, distributed leadership, and shared responsibility. * Create an accountability system grounded in standards-based teaching and learning. * Utilize multiple assessments to evaluate student learning in an ongoing process focused on improving the academic performance of each student. Standard 3 Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. * Sustain safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. * Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems. * Establish school structures and processes that support student learning. * Utilize effective systems management, organizational development, and problem-solving and decision-making techniques. * Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all subgroups of students. * Monitor and evaluate the program and staff. * Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. Standard 4 Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. * Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. * Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect. * Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. * Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. * Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media. * Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services. Standard 5 Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. * Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness, and expect the same behaviors from others. * Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. * Use the influence of office to enhance the educational program, not personal gain. * Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. * Demonstrate knowledge of the standards-based curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. * Demonstrate skills in decision-making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management, and evaluation. * Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. * Engage in professional and personal development. * Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. * Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. Standard 6 Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. * Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. * Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources and support for all subgroups of students. * Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. * Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. * Collect and report accurate records of school performance. * View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. * Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement. 4 Data Collection CPSEL #2 “culture”
FWC data collection Develop data collection process Show examples
For our purposes For sharing (A/B partner)…How do you? How you collect data Scoring process Show examples
1 Professional Learning 6 2 respond Shared Focus FOCUS WALK CYCLE 5
CPSEL #1 “Vision” 6 respond CPSEL #3 “resources” 2 Shared Focus CPSEL #2 “Culture” FOCUS WALK CYCLE CPSEL #6 “POLITICAL” 5 Communicate Results CPSEL #1 “Vision” 3 Focus walks CPSEL #2 “Culture” FW CO: LO: DC CPSELS Standard 1 Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. * Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. * Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system. * Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. * Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. * Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision. * Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students. Standard 2 Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. * Shape a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work. * Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. * Facilitate the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology. * Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. * Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, distributed leadership, and shared responsibility. * Create an accountability system grounded in standards-based teaching and learning. * Utilize multiple assessments to evaluate student learning in an ongoing process focused on improving the academic performance of each student. Standard 3 Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. * Sustain safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. * Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems. * Establish school structures and processes that support student learning. * Utilize effective systems management, organizational development, and problem-solving and decision-making techniques. * Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all subgroups of students. * Monitor and evaluate the program and staff. * Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. Standard 4 Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. * Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. * Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect. * Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. * Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. * Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media. * Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services. Standard 5 Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. * Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness, and expect the same behaviors from others. * Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. * Use the influence of office to enhance the educational program, not personal gain. * Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. * Demonstrate knowledge of the standards-based curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. * Demonstrate skills in decision-making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management, and evaluation. * Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. * Engage in professional and personal development. * Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. * Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. Standard 6 Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. * Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. * Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources and support for all subgroups of students. * Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. * Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. * Collect and report accurate records of school performance. * View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. * Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement. 4 Data Collection CPSEL #2 “culture”
1 Professional Learning 6 2 respond Shared Focus FOCUS WALK CYCLE 5
CPSEL #1 “Vision” 6 respond CPSEL #3 “resources” 2 Shared Focus CPSEL #2 “Culture” FOCUS WALK CYCLE CPSEL #6 “POLITICAL” 5 Communicate Results CPSEL #1 “Vision” 3 Focus walks CPSEL #2 “Culture” CPSELS Standard 1 Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. * Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. * Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system. * Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. * Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. * Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision. * Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students. Standard 2 Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. * Shape a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work. * Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. * Facilitate the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology. * Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. * Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, distributed leadership, and shared responsibility. * Create an accountability system grounded in standards-based teaching and learning. * Utilize multiple assessments to evaluate student learning in an ongoing process focused on improving the academic performance of each student. Standard 3 Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. * Sustain safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. * Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems. * Establish school structures and processes that support student learning. * Utilize effective systems management, organizational development, and problem-solving and decision-making techniques. * Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all subgroups of students. * Monitor and evaluate the program and staff. * Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. Standard 4 Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. * Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. * Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect. * Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. * Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. * Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media. * Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services. Standard 5 Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. * Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness, and expect the same behaviors from others. * Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. * Use the influence of office to enhance the educational program, not personal gain. * Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. * Demonstrate knowledge of the standards-based curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. * Demonstrate skills in decision-making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management, and evaluation. * Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. * Engage in professional and personal development. * Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. * Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. Standard 6 Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. * Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. * Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources and support for all subgroups of students. * Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. * Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. * Collect and report accurate records of school performance. * View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. * Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement. 4 Data Collection CPSEL #2 “culture”
Communicate Results Example
Good afternoon staff, Want to first thank everyone for your attendance and participation in this morning's meeting. Our work together regarding our Focus Walk process will be aimed at improving our systems, supporting one another, and moving forward to make our student's learning experience at HMS the best around. Research conducted by Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, on fixed versus growth mindsets, frames our work. Her research suggests that more is gained for individuals, organizations, and schools when the team has a growth mindset towards always improving there mission. Our mission is to create the best, healthiest, and safest learning environment for students, staff, and parents. The main purpose of this is to communicate the data of our focus walks in each of our areas. Please be reminded that our purpose of the focus walk cycle is to support a growth mindset for us all and is not an evaluative process. The results are reported in terms of % of classes visited using the practices: 1. Student Engagement and Motivation % 2. Checking for Understanding % 3. PLC (like department objectives % 4. Use of Complete Sentences % 5. Essential Question or Learning Objective Posted % As we reflect on these results, please remember, classroom visitations are short in time and only reflect whether the opportunity to use the practice was present and practiced. Feel free to share any feedback you wish as all feedback will be welcomed and valued. In the words of Stephen R. Covey, "Feedback is your life-support system. Without it, you will eventually fail. Do everything you can to create a culture where it is safe to give you feedback.”
1 Professional Learning 6 2 respond Shared Focus FOCUS WALK CYCLE 5
CPSEL #1 “Vision” 6 respond CPSEL #3 “resources” 2 Shared Focus CPSEL #2 “Culture” FOCUS WALK CYCLE CPSEL #6 “POLITICAL” 5 Communicate Results CPSEL #1 “Vision” 3 Focus walks CPSEL #2 “Culture” CPSELS Standard 1 Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. * Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. * Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system. * Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. * Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. * Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision. * Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students. Standard 2 Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. * Shape a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work. * Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. * Facilitate the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology. * Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. * Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, distributed leadership, and shared responsibility. * Create an accountability system grounded in standards-based teaching and learning. * Utilize multiple assessments to evaluate student learning in an ongoing process focused on improving the academic performance of each student. Standard 3 Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. * Sustain safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. * Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems. * Establish school structures and processes that support student learning. * Utilize effective systems management, organizational development, and problem-solving and decision-making techniques. * Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all subgroups of students. * Monitor and evaluate the program and staff. * Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. Standard 4 Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. * Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. * Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect. * Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. * Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. * Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media. * Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services. Standard 5 Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. * Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness, and expect the same behaviors from others. * Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. * Use the influence of office to enhance the educational program, not personal gain. * Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. * Demonstrate knowledge of the standards-based curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. * Demonstrate skills in decision-making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management, and evaluation. * Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. * Engage in professional and personal development. * Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. * Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. Standard 6 Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. * Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. * Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources and support for all subgroups of students. * Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. * Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. * Collect and report accurate records of school performance. * View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. * Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement. 4 Data Collection CPSEL #2 “culture”
Respond to Results Reflective Coaching
Discuss with a your partner how you might utilize reflective coaching when responding to the focused walk data.
Reflection What value can this system have on your campus and what might you take back? What can you do tomorrow to start the planning and implementation?
1 Professional Learning 6 2 respond Shared Focus FOCUS WALK CYCLE 5
CPSEL #1 “Vision” 6 respond CPSEL #3 “resources” 2 Shared Focus CPSEL #2 “Culture” FOCUS WALK CYCLE CPSEL #6 “POLITICAL” 5 Communicate Results CPSEL #1 “Vision” 3 Focus walks CPSEL #2 “Culture” CPSELS Standard 1 Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. * Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. * Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system. * Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. * Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. * Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision. * Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students. Standard 2 Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. * Shape a culture in which high expectations are the norm for each student as evident in rigorous academic work. * Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. * Facilitate the use of a variety of appropriate content-based learning materials and learning strategies that recognize students as active learners, value reflection and inquiry, emphasize the quality versus the amount of student application and performance, and utilize appropriate and effective technology. * Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. * Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, distributed leadership, and shared responsibility. * Create an accountability system grounded in standards-based teaching and learning. * Utilize multiple assessments to evaluate student learning in an ongoing process focused on improving the academic performance of each student. Standard 3 Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. * Sustain safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. * Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems. * Establish school structures and processes that support student learning. * Utilize effective systems management, organizational development, and problem-solving and decision-making techniques. * Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all subgroups of students. * Monitor and evaluate the program and staff. * Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. Standard 4 Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. * Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. * Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect. * Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. * Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. * Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media. * Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services. Standard 5 Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. * Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness, and expect the same behaviors from others. * Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. * Use the influence of office to enhance the educational program, not personal gain. * Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. * Demonstrate knowledge of the standards-based curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. * Demonstrate skills in decision-making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management, and evaluation. * Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. * Engage in professional and personal development. * Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. * Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. Standard 6 Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. * Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. * Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources and support for all subgroups of students. * Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. * Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. * Collect and report accurate records of school performance. * View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. * Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement. 4 Data Collection CPSEL #2 “culture”
Think for a minute and write…
4/27/2017 Think for a minute and write… How will you use this quote in coordination with the FWC to provide predictability and surround yourself with the conditions you want to produce? “The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.” ― Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult
Planning For Implementation
Discuss: When will you share this information with your teachers/staff? How will you share this information with your teachers/staff? What supports do you need for full implementation? Discuss with a partner… share with the whole group.
Resources for Taking this Information to Your Site
4/27/2017 Resources for Taking this Information to Your Site This Full PowerPoint Presentation with all three parts: 2012 CA ELD Standards Overview Designated and Integrated ELD Integrated ELD- Implementation and Practice Chapter 2 Excerpt from the 2014 ELA/ELD Framework discussing Integrated and Designated ELD 2012 ELD Standards, Grade 3 (colored) The CA Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs) All materials are available for your resources.
Coordinator, English Learner Program Support
Sam Nofziger Coordinator, English Learner Program Support Fresno County mobile Evaluation Daily Reflection Time:
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