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C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 1 CRaTER Characterization Data Products & Production.

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Presentation on theme: "C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 1 CRaTER Characterization Data Products & Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 1 CRaTER Characterization Data Products & Production Pipeline Larry Kepko Boston University Center for Space Physics CRaTER PDR

2 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 2 Beam Facilities 88” Cyclotron, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory FacilityBeam Properties LIIF9-55 MeVH 19 or 32.5 MeV/nucleonHe to Ne HIIF4.5 MeV/nucleonHe to Bi 10 MeV/nucleonB to Xe 14.5-16 MeV/nucleonC to Xe

3 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 3 Beam Facilities NASA Space Radiation Laboratory at Brookhaven National Laboratory Proposal for runs using the engineering model in Summer ‘06 submitted, currently under review. FacilityBeam Properties Boosterup to 1 GeVH Boosterup to 1 GeV/nucleonFe

4 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 4 Characterization Characterization has 4 components: 1. Detectors. Characterize the response of the thin & thick detectors to particles of known composition and energy [LBL] 2. TEP. Probe the response of TEP to validate detector design [Mass. General] 3. EM System Performance. Characterize and validate detector response [LBL, BNL] 4. Full Telescope. Spot check and validate. [LBL, BNL] Facilities in brackets are primary beamlines.

5 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 5 Detector Characterization By exposing the detectors to beams of known energies, we can determine the response. Data From Detector Energy Deposited

6 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 6 Detector Characterization Goal - Determine detector response (both thick and thin) to incident particles of known energies; generate look- up tables. Plan - Initial testing of flight prototype detectors (289 and 142 um) at LBL/benchtop to validate detector design [begun]. o Additional tests 10/9 - Testing of EM detectors at LBL and BNL over wide range of energies and species [Spring/Summer ‘06].

7 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 7 Detector Characterization We have begun testing at LBL detectors similar to those to be used in CRaTER. Counts Channel # (Energy)

8 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 8 TEP Characterization Goal - Inform science team about projected system performance and feed into any necessary pre-CDR design adjustments of EM. Plan - 54 and 27 cm TEP pieces, 140 and 1000 micron detectors - Beam experiments at Mass General (70-230 MeV protons) [Sun 11/6/05] - Beam experiments at LBL (ions/protons) [TBD]

9 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 9 EM System Performance Goal - Assess performance of EM telescope and end-to-end data flow through system Plan - EM delivery to BU (April 2006) - Initial beam runs at LBL (April 2006) [details on next slide] - Beam runs at BNL (Spring/Summer 2006) o 300, 600, 1000 MeV Fe

10 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 10 LBL EM Runs 55 MeV protons - w/o TEP, exercise detector stack - w/ TEP will check D1/2/3/4 or D 6/5/4/3 but not entire stack 10 MeV/nucleon ions 4-d motion table will allow angular response of telescope $1000/hour - Will try to piggyback on Aerospace whenever possible.

11 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 11 FM System Calibration Goal - Characterize FM to verify comprehensive EM assessments. Spot check FS to verify identical response with FM Plan - FM/FS Environmental complete by June 2007 - Characterization at LBL [July 2007] - Additional run at BNL to confirm high-Z response [August 2007] - Schedule margin allows for additional testing in September/October 2007 prior to delivery.

12 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 12 CRaTER Data Products Description Level 0 Unprocessed instrument data (pulse height at each detector), secondary science (discarded events), housekeeping. Level 1 Science data depacketed, 1-s resolution. Ancillary data pulled in (spacecraft attitude, calibration files, etc) Level 2 Pulse heights converted into energy deposited in each detector. Calculation of Si LET spectra. Level 3Separate out SEP, magnetotail, foreshock and ‘GCR’ data. Level 4 Calculation of TEP LET, incident energies and particle flux. Pull in GCR data from other spacecraft (e.g. ACE).

13 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 13 Level 0 To Level 1 Processing LRO MOC Housekeeping Primary/secondary science sFTP CRaTER SOC Validation PDS L0 Archive

14 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 14 Level 0 Data Products Level 0 Science Unprocessed instrument data (pulse height at each detector), secondary science (discarded events, etc.). Up to 25 packets of up to 48 events per second Level 0 Housekeeping Bias voltage, temperature, etc., 16-s resolution

15 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 15 Level 1 To Level 2 Processing LRO MOC Calibration Files Orbit & Attitude sFTP Depacket, create 1-s data PDS L1 Archive CRaTER SOC

16 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 16 Level 1 Data Products Level 1 Science Unprocessed instrument data (pulse height at each detector), depacketed. Creation of 1-s data. Secondary science placed in 1-s data header. Level 1 Housekeeping Bias voltage, temperature, etc., 16-s resolution

17 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 17 Level 2 To Level 3 Processing Convert to energy deposited PDS L2 Archive Calculate Si LET Events of Interest QL Plots

18 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 18 Level 2 Data Products Level 2 ScienceEnergy deposited in each detector and LET. QL PlotsTBD Events of Interest e.g., SEP events with broad community interest. The CRaTER Level 2 data product is responsive to LRO Level 1 requirement (RLEP-LRO-M10 & RLEP-LRO-M20).

19 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 19 Level 3 To Level 4 Processing Region Separation GCR Foreshock Magnetotail SEP Events

20 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 20 Level 3 Data Products L3 Region Data separated into 3 files (or, alternately, 1 file with a data flag) identifying what data was obtained while the moon was in the a) magnetosphere, b) foreshock and c) pure GCR L3 SEP Data containing SEP events (definition TBD) are separated as well

21 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 21 Level 4 Calculate LET in TEP Modeling Community Calculate Particle Flux GCR Spectrum

22 C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation June 27, 2005Larry Kepko - Data ProcessingPage 22 Timetables Level 2 data produced immediately upon verification of Level 1 data. - Only involves application of pre-flight calibration curves and simple LET calculations. GCR LET spectrum requires time (low count rates) - The longer the better - Nominally 1/3 of data appropriate for GCR analysis - SEPs can contaminate and must be removed.

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