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Detecting False Captioning Using Common Sense Reasoning James Byrd.

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Presentation on theme: "Detecting False Captioning Using Common Sense Reasoning James Byrd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detecting False Captioning Using Common Sense Reasoning James Byrd

2 Picture editing is popular Medical, Journalism, Science all at risk how do we detect what is real from what is not? We shall introduce a nearly flawless mathematical technique to tell the true from the false Abstract

3 Pictures are a compelling way to communicate information Why modify? o To make the picture tell a different story o “Yellow Journalism” Intro

4 4 ways a. Deletion of Details - deleting details b. Insertion of Details - inserting additional details c. Photomontage - combining multiple images d. False Captioning - misrepresenting image content Photo Manipulation

5 Photomontage False Captioning This Paper’s Focus

6 1.Segmentation 2.Classification 3.Common Sense Reasoning Steps for detection

7 1.Segment the image into regions 2.Make an “importance map” to compare across images in a given corpus Segmentation

8 Perhaps the most important part Segment based color scheme compare segments among images Classification

9 2 approaches o resolve local classification ambiguities within images; we will query a knowledge base to resolve proper relations o reason across a larger corpa of images to find unique or missing elements during an investigation Common Sense Reasoning

10 Image segmentation Importance Map Calculating ROIs Classification Reasoning Methods

11 Segment the image o mean-shift image segmentation to decompose an image into homogeneous regions o choosing parameter values is often difficult o therefore we adds tons of colors and do many segmetns Image Segmentation

12 to truly understand the importance of an image requires a thorough understanding of what the image contains and what the viewer needs recognize objects (faces) and regions are important Importance Map

13 2 step process o Identify Candidate ROI  minimal image that identifies key important parts of the image o Grow the ROI  combine the ROI by using a clustering algorithm recursively Calculating ROI

14 Supervised Classification o Training Sites - predetermined objects of interest in an image o Software uses these to create a “signature analysis” Unsupervised Classification o Takes a large number of ROI and divides them into classes based on grouping in them o becoming increasingly popular Classification

15 Resolve local ambiguities within an image Answer questions the program has o i.e. water versus sky Then the software determines if the anomalies are consistent across images or show signs of tampering o More pictures to examine are better for consistency Reasoning

16 methods are limited by the performance of the components of image segmentation and important object identification Conclusion

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