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Progressivism 1900 – 1917 As a result of the abuses of power and privilege during the period of rapid industrial growth during the late 1800’s, many Americans.

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2 Progressivism 1900 – 1917 As a result of the abuses of power and privilege during the period of rapid industrial growth during the late 1800’s, many Americans sought to reform government and business to correct these abuses. The Progressive movement was NOT one organized movement by one group of people…mostly local and state level reforms…simple simultanaity. Goals of the Progressives… 1. Return power to the people! 2. End abuses of power and privilege. 3. Create equality of opportunity. –Also…protecting social welfare – …moral improvement …economic reform

3 MUCKRAKERS Writers who exposed corruption in business and government during the Progressive Era –Ida Tarbell History of the Standard Oil Company –Frank Norris The Octopus –Lincoln Steffens Shame of the Cities –Upton Sinclair The Jungle

4 Robert LaFollette (Rep.) “Fighting Bob” Elected governor of Wisconsin in 1900 Outstanding leader of Progressive reform Taxes and regulations on public utilities Conservation “Wisconsin Idea”…experts in field to advise

5 Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Governor of New York 1899-1901 Became Vice- President 1901 President of USA 1901-1909

6 Progressive Amendments 16 th Amendment (1913) federal Income Tax 17 th Amendment (1913) Direct election of senators (previously chosen by state legislators)

7 Australian Ballot Secret Ballot – formerly, many localities and states had a voting system where any one could see who people voted for…allowed pressure on people to vote a certain way, be intimidated or influenced.

8 Initiative Citizens of a state can force the legislature to consider an issue or bill if enough citizens sign a petition. Special interests (trusts) could no longer block laws and stifle debate.

9 Referendum Citizens vote on a bill. If the initiative passes, it becomes law. Direct democracy in action.

10 Recall “Throw the bums out!” Citizens can remove an elected official from office and hold a new election (requires a petition…California in 2003…Aahnold)

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