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African-Americans Overview of the African-American Culture.

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1 African-Americans Overview of the African-American Culture

2 Overview of African American Culture Family life is the social institution of African American family. The family reflects both amazing & the legacy of racism and low income across many generations (Schaefer, 2006, p. 219)

3 Strengths of African American Families 1.Strong kinship bonds – More likely to care for their children & the elderly in an extended family network 2.A strong work orientation – More likely to be working, and often include more than one wage earner 3.A strong religious orientation – since the time of slavery, African American churches have been the impetus behind many significant grassroots organizations

4 Strengths of African American Families (Cont.) 4. Adaptability of family roles ~ in two-parent families: The egalitarian pattern of decision making is the most common The self-reliance of African American women of decision making is the most common & is best illustrated in African American women who are the primary wage earners

5 Strengths of African American Families (cont.) 5. A strong achievement orientation ~ Working-class African Americans indicate a greater desire for their children to attend college and even the majority of low-income African Americans want to attend college (Schaefer, 2006, p. 219)

6 Feagin & Feagin’s Chapter on African Americans (pp. 165-204) Peer & Group Discussion A total of 14 questions

7 Two (2) Major Court Decisions Impacted African Americans 1.Plessy v. Fergerson in 1896 Supreme Court Decision  The Supreme Court upheld racial segregation in Louisiana railroad cars and asserted that legality of “separate but equal” was constitutional.  Southern & Border States enforced racial segregation (See: 0&feature=related) – about 3 minutes 0&feature=related

8 Two (2) Major Court Decisions Impacted African Americans 2. Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas in 1954 The Supreme Court reversed the decision 5-4 stating that “separate but equal” is unconstitutional --

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