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MFI Metamodel for Information Models Keith Gordon ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG2 N1529.

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Presentation on theme: "MFI Metamodel for Information Models Keith Gordon ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG2 N1529."— Presentation transcript:

1 MFI Metamodel for Information Models Keith Gordon ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG2 N1529

2 Purpose Information model expressed in IDEF1X Information model expressed as UML Class Diagram MFI Core and Mapping MFI Information Models Registry System ASystem B Interface Interoperation Design Register

3 Scope Within scope: Ellis-Barker notation IDEF1X notation Information Engineering notation Chen notation Express-G notation UML Class Diagram notation Out of scope: Database schemas Object Role Modelling

4 Ellis-Barker notation ORDER ORDER LINE cited in for made up of part of OTHER ORDER LINE made up of - number - date part of - number - description - comment PRODUCT ORDER LINE - quantity cited in for PRODUCT - code - description SERVICE - code - description PARTY - number - name PARTY ROLE PARTY ROLE TYPE - code - description reference to cited in reference to cited in reference to

5 IDEF1X notation

6 Information Engineering notation

7 Chen notation

8 Express-G notation ordered_service S(0:?) comment STRINGINTEGER numberreceived date STRING date_and_time quantity (ABS) order line_items L(1:?) single order composite order (ABS) order line other order line (ABS) product order line STRING INTEGER number description product product order line service product order line product service STRING code description STRING code description party role party STRING code name role party_role ordered_product S(0:?) party_order_involvement S(0:?)order_party_involvement S(0:?) comprised_of L(0:?)

9 UML Class Diagram notation Party Role Product Order Line quantity : Integer Other Order Line comment : String Product code : String description : String Service code : String description : String Order Line number : Integer description : String Order number : String receivedDate : Date Composite OrderSingle Order Party number : String name : String Party Role Type code : String description : String line items 1..* 1..1 0..* 1..1 0..*1..1 0..*1..1 0..* 1..1 1..* Product Product Order Line Service Product Order Line 0..* 1..1

10 ATTRIBUTE 1..1 with instances described by values of 1..1 further defined with The metamodel INFORMATION MODELRELATIONSHIP END GROUPENTITY TYPE ALIASENTITY SUBTYPE ENTITY SPECIALISATION HIERARCHY DOMAINNON KEY ATTRIBUTEKEY ATTRIBUTEUNIQUE IDENTIFIER ELEMENT ATTRIBUTE UNIQUE IDENTIFIER ELEMENT RELATIONSHIP END UNIQUE IDENTIFIER ELEMENT RELATIONSHIP END role of0..* part of1..* role of 0..* NATIVE KEY ATTRIBUTEFOREIGN KEY ATTRIBUTE in sequence forming representation of 0..* used as 1..1 CONTINUOUS DOMAINDISCRETE DOMAIN constrained to1..1 for2..* VALID VALUE constraint on1..1 assigned with values from 0..* category discriminator for 0..*categorised by 0..1 part of1..* comprised of1..1 of 0..* further description of 0..* 1..1 used as use of 0..* 1..1 known alternatively as synonym for 0..* 1..1 with instances identified by UNIQUE IDENTIFIER 1..1 related to others through as viewed from 0..* comprised of 1..1 part of1..* ENTITY TYPE comprised of 1..1 part of1..* RELATIONSHIP 1..1 comprised of part of 2..* 1..1 defined to include mutually exclusive with others in 1..* represented by sequence of 1..1 used as comprised of1..1 of 0..*

11 Outstanding issues 1)Is it necessary to distinguish between key and non-key attributes? 2)Can the domain concept be used for data types? 3)Is it necessary to recognise that there are sub-domains? 4)Is it OK to handle UML association classes as ‘intersection’ entity types? 5)Do we need to be able to recognise sub-types of UML associations? 6)How do we handle the objects and roles of ORM within this metamodel? 7)Which notation should be used for the metamodel? (What are the WG2 standards)? 8)What are the metaclasses in MFI Core and Mapping?

12 Any questions?


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