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Mobile Learning By Christie Chiam. What is mLearning? The term mobile learning (m-learning) refers to the use of mobile and handheld IT devices. M-learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Learning By Christie Chiam. What is mLearning? The term mobile learning (m-learning) refers to the use of mobile and handheld IT devices. M-learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Learning By Christie Chiam

2 What is mLearning? The term mobile learning (m-learning) refers to the use of mobile and handheld IT devices. M-learning is a natural extension of e-learning. Learning that happens across locations or that takes advantages of learning opportunities offered by portable technology. mLearning is the acquisition of any knowledge and skill through using mobile technology, anywhere, anytime, that results in an alteration in behaviour.

3 Should Schools Integrate mLearning ? What provides the most learning gains and opportunities? What requires the least expenditure of student & teacher time? What requires the least amount of school funds for purchase? Is there a large community supporting it? Can scalability be supported? Does it respect privacy laws specific to education? What’s the expected life cycle before necessary upgrades?

4 Disadvantages & Advantages

5 Advantages The ability to access information where it will be not possible without mobile devices. It's much easier to accommodate several mobile devices in a classroom than several desktop computers. Mobile devices can be used anywhere, anytime, including at home, on the train, and in hotels. More independent Content is adaptable to meet individual needs

6 Disadvantages There are limited storage capacities for mobiles and PDAs. Small mobile and PDA screens limit the amount and type of information that can be displayed. Batteries have to be charged regularly, and data can be lost if this is not done correctly. Difficulties with printing, unless connected to a network.

7 Devices

8 Devices

9 Pedagogy The constructivist learning theory by vygotsky emphasizes activities in which learners actively construct new ideas or concepts based on both their previous and current knowledge. With a mobile phone learners can construct their own knowledge and share it freely with peers at anytime in any place. This in MLearning is referred to as “participatory simulations” (Naismith et al., 20061).

10 Refernce List Ausu eee pad (n.d). Retrieved December 15 2010. From content/uploads/2010/06/ASUSEeePadEP12112inch.jpg Confetti (n.d). Retrieved on December 16, 2010. From Ipad (n.d). Retrieved on December 15, 2010. From i[od touch (2010). Retrieved December 15, 2010. From K-12 mobile learning (n.d). Retrieved December 16, 2010. From, M-learning (2006). Retrieved on December 13 2010. From Mobile (2010). Retrieved on December 15 2010. From 178f29_o.jpg Naismith, L., Lonsdale, P., Vavoula, G. and Sharples, M. (2004), Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning, Report 11. A Report for NESTA Futurelab. Retrieved on December 16, 2010. From

11 Reference List Learning and skill improvement services(2010). Mobile learning. Retrieved on December 12, 2010. From PDA handheld device (2010). Retrieved on December 15, 2010. From 84534_5efe178f29_o.jpg Technology engineering. Retrieved on December 15, 2010. From Mobile learning (2010). Retrieved on December 15, 2010. From content/uploads/2010/01/mobilelearning.jpg

12 Thank You By Christie Chiam

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