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Camp Sunday Talk. Camp 2015 Many camps as a camper Many camps as a leader Is it scary being a camp leader? Can I still learn anything from camp?

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Presentation on theme: "Camp Sunday Talk. Camp 2015 Many camps as a camper Many camps as a leader Is it scary being a camp leader? Can I still learn anything from camp?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Camp Sunday Talk

2 Camp 2015 Many camps as a camper Many camps as a leader Is it scary being a camp leader? Can I still learn anything from camp?

3 Two activities 1. Abseiling / Crate Stacking 2. Archery

4 Abseiling We had to abseil from top of building we were staying! Scary for some people You have to trust the instructor

5 Crate Stacking New activity We had to go up by crate Luckily we had a rope We learned at camp that the disciples were scared also.

6 Psalm 56: 3-4 3 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. 4 In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?

7 2) Archery

8 Famous Archers

9 Tuesday Afternoon Archers

10 Our Group

11 How can you hit the target? 1. Skill/Talent 2. Practice 3. Be Strong 4. The Right Equipment 5. The Right Instructor 6. Blind Luck!

12 Sight

13 Knowing your ‘right’ eye

14 Being focused helps! I found out I my right eye is my strongest. I then closed my left eye and focused… After years of archery at camp… I could see the target easier! It made me think…

15 How do I focus on God There are many things in life that can distract us Good or Bad How can we get to God? How can we hit the target? We need to look to Jesus

16 Jesus is the only way to God 1. Yourself 2. Practice 3. Our Own Strength 4. Family/Country 5. The Right Church 6. Blind Luck! Trusting in Jesus is the only way to hit the target

17 Bible Memory Verses 1. Jesus said ‘I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father expect through me’ 2. Jesus said ‘ I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ 3. Jesus said ‘I am the gate whoever enters by me will be saved’

18 John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

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