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American Eating Habits Yuzuki,Mengsi,Tomo. The Average Span of Life countrythe average span of life 1JAPAN82.7 2Hong Kong( China )82.2 3Switzerland81.8.

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Presentation on theme: "American Eating Habits Yuzuki,Mengsi,Tomo. The Average Span of Life countrythe average span of life 1JAPAN82.7 2Hong Kong( China )82.2 3Switzerland81.8."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Eating Habits Yuzuki,Mengsi,Tomo

2 The Average Span of Life countrythe average span of life 1JAPAN82.7 2Hong Kong( China )82.2 3Switzerland81.8 3Iceland81.8 5Australia81.5 6France81.2 6Italy81.2 8Sweden80.9 8Spain80.9 10Israel80.7 30U.S.A79.2 The World Average Span of Life ⇒ 67.6

3 The hypothesis of our group ~ why the average span of life in USA is low? ~ ◆ American food is high calories ◆ Americans like oily food ◆ Americans often go to fast food restaurants American eating habit is a big reason why the American average span of life is low.

4 Who gained weight since you came to U.S.A ? Sep,2008 Sep,2009

5 Demographic data of this survey ◆ date : 11/2/2009 ◆ Place : UCI campus ◆ The number of sample : 32 ◆ Male / female : male 15 / female 17 ◆ Age / 18-24

6 What food do you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? breakfastlunch dinner menu Americans usually eat is higher calorie than Japanese one.

7 What size do you order at starbucks? Size at U.S.A Americans drink a lot! Size at Japan

8 What kind of drink do you like? U.S.A Americans prefer high calorie drink ! Asian countries

9 How often do you go to fast food restaurants? U.S.A Americans more often go to fast food restaurants than Japanese people. Japan

10 Do you like oily food? U.S.A More than 50% of samples like oily food in this survey. Especially Americans like French fries! What oily food do you like?

11 Conclusion

12 Asian food is lower calorie than American food! 750 kcal > 400 kcal breakfast 1200 kcal 400 kcal lunch > 1500 kcal 750 kcal dinner >

13 Changing eating habit makes Americans live longer!

14 2007.4.23 Thank you for listening!!

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