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1 Recommendations From the GOES Users’ Conference Jim Gurka Gerald Dittberner NOAA/NESDIS/OSD Advanced Systems Planning Division.

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1 1 Recommendations From the GOES Users’ Conference Jim Gurka Gerald Dittberner NOAA/NESDIS/OSD Advanced Systems Planning Division

2 2 ABI –12 channel large focal plane array u.5 km VIS resolution u 2 km IR resolution u 15 minute full disk coverage u 5 minute CONUS coverage u 1000 x 1000 km coverage/30 sec

3 3 ABS: –5 times faster than present Sounder; u Scan the region within 62 deg. of satellite zenith/ 1 hr –10 km horizontal resolution –1K, 10% RH accuracy/.5km layer (sfc–500 hp) –1K, 10% RH accuracy/ 1-2 km layer (500-300 hp) –1K, 20% RH accuracy/1-2 km layer (300-100 hp)

4 4 ABS: Coverage

5 Geo-Interferometer Nears Raob-like Depiction of Atmosphere while Providing an Order of Magnitude Increase in Temporal Resolution over Land and Water RAOB (USA) - over land - 1.5 hour ascent - 300 km separation - 12 Z and 00Z only Geo Interferometer (USA) - land and coastal waters - instantaneous obs - 10 km separation - hourly repeat

6 6 Advances Possible with an Improved Geo - Sounder A Geosynchronous Interferometer (Geo-I) will * depict water vapor as never before - mesoscale features of moisture for short-term forecasting * characterize life cycle of clouds - ice / water cloud - cloud particle sizes (better cloud initializations within models) * measure surface temperatures (land and sea) - improved SSTs * distinguish atmospheric constituents with improved certainty - volcanic ash (useful for aircraft routing) With complementary improved weather observing system, Geo-I * enables the best mix of observations of weather systems Using improved NWP models, Geo-I provides * improved winds at more levels for hurricane intensity and trajectory forecasting * improved high resolution moisture / temp fields for QPF * improved cloud information with 4DVAR assimilation for better 2-3 day forecasts

7 7 Geostationary Satellite High Spectral Resolution Sounding Capabilities: Applications to Analysis/Forecasting: Improved environmental wind analyses for determining hurricane steering - More levels of motion, more accurate wind vector heights Superior water vapor detection - Identification of dry air intrusions - Low-level moisture Improvement in radiance and retrieved profile accuracy - Increased vertical resolution More precise measurements of sea surface temperatures - Hurricane intensity fluctuations All of the above will lead to improved forecast model initialization.

8 8 Summary: Benefits of ABI & ABS: –Improved multi-spectral observation u Improved observation of water vapor u Improved cloud phase and droplet size information u Improved satellite derived winds u Improved observation of large scale flow u Improved Sea Surface Temperatures u Improved depiction of stability u Improved surface emissivity u Improved Quantitative Precipitation Estimates u Improved mesoscale model performance

9 9 GOES Users’ Conference –May 22 – 25, 2001 –Boulder, CO: NIST Auditorium –Approximately 200 participants u Government u Commercial interests u Academia u Scientific organizations u International

10 10 GOES Users’ Conference –Goals: u Inform users of future capabilities and applications u Determine user needs for: –New products –Distribution of GOES data –Data archiving and access to stored data –Instruments of opportunity –Access to sample data sets (prior to launch of next series) –Future training u Assess user and societal benefits u Improve communication between NESDIS and users

11 11 GOES Users’ Conference: Potential Benefits of Advanced Capabilities –Improved detection of moisture and improved satellite derived winds leading to: u Improved numerical model performance and improved subjective use of products by forecasters, leading to: –More timely and accurate forecasts; –Improved tornado watches and warnings; –Improved forecasts of hurricane landfall; –Improved forecasts of flooding; –More detailed forecasts;

12 12 GOES Users’ Conference: Potential Benefits of Advanced Capabilities –Improved weather forecasts will lead to: u Preservation of life and property; u Improved quality of life due to better recreational planning; u Improved safety and economic benefits to commercial, military and general aviation; u Improved management of energy resources; u Improved planning and management of ground and marine based transportation;

13 13 GOES Users’ Conference: Potential Benefits of Advanced Capabilities –Improved weather forecasts will lead to: u Improved fisheries management; u Improved guidance for state emergency managers; u Cost savings for agricultural applications: –Better planning for watering, application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; u Improved management of water resources and flood control; u Improved military operations due to improved forecasts for trafficability, weapons trajectories, ship and plane sorties for storm avoidance, and aircraft carrier operations;

14 14 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Advanced Baseline Imager –At least 12 Imager channels, but recommend additional 2 to 4 channels to meet requirements of large user cross section –Full disk Imager coverage every 5 minutes

15 15 ABI Channel Selection: –11.2  : clouds, low level water vapor, fog, winds; –0.64  : daytime clouds, fog, aerosol, vegetation –6.15  : upper tropospheric flow, winds –3.90  : nighttime low clouds, fog, fire detection –12.3  : low level water vapor, volcanic ash –13.3  : cloud top parameters, heights for winds –7.00  : mid-tropospheric flow, winds –1.61  : daytime clouds/snow, water/ice clouds –8.50  : sulfuric acid aerosols, cloud phase, sfc –10.35  : cloud particle size, sfc properties –0.86  : daytime clouds, fog, aerosols, NDVI –1.375  : daytime thin cirrus detection

16 16 ABI Recommended Additional Channels: F High Priority –0.47  : aerosols, haze, slant range visibility; –9.60  : ozone, clear air turbulence detection F Important…but also on ABS –4.57  : precipitable water; –14.2  : improved cloud top heights

17 17 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Advanced Baseline Sounder –4 km footprint needed for Sounder –Rapid Scan option needed for Sounder –Soundings needed in cloudy areas u Soundings above cloud deck u Supplement soundings with microwave from polar or u Microwave soundings from Geo orbit

18 18 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Suggested New Products: –Atmospheric aerosols; –Cloud phase; –Cloud particle size; –Cloud optical depth; –Cloud emissivity; –Cloud layers; –Surface properties; –Moisture flux;

19 19 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Suggested New Products: –Improved volcanic ash product; –Improved QPE; –Improved satellite derived winds; –CAT threat; –Improved low cloud and fog product; –Probability of rainfall for each pixel; –Improved sea surface temperature product; –True color product;

20 20 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Suggested New Products: –Sulfur dioxide concentration; –Aircraft icing threat; –Ocean color; –Under (ocean) surface products; –Improved sea ice product; –Improved vegetation index; –Ozone layers; –Surface emissivity;

21 21 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations Space Weather: –SXI: increase dynamic range; –EUVS: additional channels and more frequent obs u Ipvd height resolution for thermospheric heating rates & u Ionization rates u Monitor solar EUV flares –Solar XRS: Ipvd dynamic range and lwr threshold u Detect low levels of X-ray flux –Energetic Particle Sensor: lower threshold u Better monitor Earth’s ring current –Contributes to spacecraft charging

22 22 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Instrument of Opportunity –Lightning Mapper; –Coastal Zone Remote Sensing Instrument; –Microwave Sounder; –Users recommend NOAA provide baseline funding for spacecraft accommodation costs;

23 23 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Data & Product Distribution –Different tiers of data access to support wide spectrum of user needs; –Timely with low data rate/ low cost options; –Possible options; u Commercial satellite broadcast; u Direct broadcast from GOES; u Internet; u Dedicated land lines; u User access from central server; u Broadcast subset of data via decommissioned GOES u Optimal combination of above options; –Studies to evaluate options ongoing

24 24 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Data and Product Archive Needs –Need full spectrum of data from raw data to highly processed products, for applications from the global scale to the mesoscale; u User friendly u Easy remote access u Low cost u Prompt user access u Users need metadata u Browse capability with request submission via Internet

25 25 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: New Data Integration –Leverage data from relevant instruments on other satellites to better understand ABI and ABS; u Use AIRS and GIFTS to prepare for ABS u Use MODIS to prepare for ABI u Provide correctly formatted sample data sets at least one year prior to launch; u ID requirements for new algorithms by spring, 2002; u Develop algorithms 3 to 5 years prior to launch;

26 26 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: User Education –Comprehensive education program needed for: u Forecasters; u Emergency managers; u Recreational users; u Academia; u Media; u Industrial users; u Commercial users

27 27 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: User Education –Methods of education should include: u Conferences and workshops; u Web-based training; u CD-ROM or DVD based training; u Brief segments on the weather channel; u Educational packages designed for Congress, upper level management and business leaders; –Education should be funded as part of the end-to- end GOES Program budget;

28 28 GOES Users’ Conference Recommendations: Communication with User Community –Two way dialogue should continue between GOES User Community and NESDIS via: u Regular conferences, such as the GOES Users’ Conf. u Working groups to deal with specific issues; u Provide a Bulletin Board for information exchange; u Informational special sessions at end user conferences; u Provide information via e-mail; u Make an expert team available to all users and instrument developers;

29 29 GOES Users’ Conference –See ftp site for conference information: u –GOES Users’ Conference Bulletin Board: u

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