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What Does PORTfolio stand for? By Chase Curling. P O R T F O L I O.

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Presentation on theme: "What Does PORTfolio stand for? By Chase Curling. P O R T F O L I O."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Does PORTfolio stand for? By Chase Curling

2 P O R T F O L I O

3 The P stands for: Preparedness: The PORTfolio course is designed to help us prepare for the future, by having us examine ourselves to determine what may be a possible career in the future.

4 Preparedness O R T F O L I O

5 The Ostands for: Organization: The PORTfolio program helps students learn new ways of electronic file keeping, and a way to keep individual web pages neat and organized.

6 Preparedness Organization R T F O L I O

7 The R stands for: Responsibility: The PORTfolio program, and college life in general, teaches us about responsibility. With parents not around, there is nobody to constantly remind us about our school work, the program teaches us to take responsibility for our actions, and complete and fulfil them.

8 Preparedness Organization Responsibility T F O L I O

9 The T stands for: Training: The PORTfolio program is a class, so it is teaching students different thiungs. But it is aslo preparing us for the future by training us to be better people in the community. It does this in several ways, such as through the use of a community service requirement.

10 Preparedness Organization Responsibility Training F O L I O

11 The F stands for: Four: Hopefully, everyone can have four years of this program.

12 Preparedness Organization Responsibility Training Four O L I O

13 The O stands for: Other: Unfortunatly (or fortunately in some cases) college does not last forever, and people have to move on with their lives, be it a new job or new community.

14 Preparedness Organization Responsibility Training Four Other L I O

15 The L stands for: Learning: It is a mark of a good person if they are always learning something new, from a new word to a whole new way of life, you learn something new everyday. Montgomery gentry put it best in their song, Back when I knew it All. I've done some growing up And I'm still growing up So I know I'll never be as smart as I once was That was back When the world was flat And mama and daddy didn't have a clue, way back Back when a pitcher of beer and a couple shots Made me bulletproof Back when God was a name I used in vain To get a point across when I got ticked off Lord I'm learning so much more Than back when I knew it all Back when I knew it all Lyrics taken from i-knew-it-all-lyrics-montgomery-gentry.html i-knew-it-all-lyrics-montgomery-gentry.html Video made by me

16 Preparedness Organization Responsibility Training Four Other Learning I O

17 The I stands for: Inclusive: By doing community service, we are including ourselves into the community. By including ourselves in the community, we can make connections. By making connections, we can form lasting relationships with all sorts of people.

18 Preparedness Organization Responsibility Training Four Other Learning Inclusive O

19 The O stands for: Organizations: After we leave VWC, what is to stop us from using the lessons learned in PORTfolio, to improve not only our lives, but also the lives of people around us, or even the organizations we work for. From arranging blood drives to participating in serving soup at a soup line, the lessons learned in PORTfolio will not just affects us or the people around us. After all, what's not stopping us from later on creating our own portfolio group in our own communities?

20 Preparedness Organization Responsibility Training Four Other Learning Inclusive Organizations

21 Bibliography “Back When I knew it all Lyrics.” MetroLyrics. CBS Interactive. Web, September, 2014. Montgomery Gentry. “Back When I Knew it All.” Back When I Knew it All. Columbia Nashville, 2008. MP4 File. Montgomery Gentry Picture: taken from Google Images.

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