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Nonstandard Demography Soroko Eugeny (IDEM NRU HSE) Plan Demography + … D + Computers D + Linguistics D + Internet Ethnic structure of population Family.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonstandard Demography Soroko Eugeny (IDEM NRU HSE) Plan Demography + … D + Computers D + Linguistics D + Internet Ethnic structure of population Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonstandard Demography Soroko Eugeny (IDEM NRU HSE) Plan Demography + … D + Computers D + Linguistics D + Internet Ethnic structure of population Family & Household

2 Nonstandard Demography Demography + Computers Software for calculations in the population studies: SPSS, Stata, R, DemProj Demographic databases 1 (we look for the data) –How and where can we find demographic data? –What are the types of demographic data? –What are the quality criteria of data (reliability, precision, detail, recency,…) –What are the new types of access to the data?

3 Nonstandard Demography Demography + Computers Demographic databases 2 (we prepare data for the users) –What are the required data for students and scholars? –How the demographic data must be organized? –What is the correct and complete description of data? –What sources of data are the most preferable?

4 Nonstandard Demography Demography + Linguistics Multilingual demographic dictionaries See the site Demopaedia Thesaurus of Russian terms in population studies Thesaurus of terms and list of demographic indicators used in ADRPR (Annual demographic report “Population of Russia”)

5 Nonstandard Demography Demography + Internet Demoscope Weekly –Navigation for the DW visitors (archives, guide books) –Checking the links –Analysis and classification of external references to DW Demography on the web –New web sites with demographic contents –Updated features of existing sites on population –Classification of web sites (national agencies, censuses data, news, research institutions, databases …)

6 Nonstandard Demography Ethnic structure methods of measurement (censuses, vital registration system, population registers) ethnic differentiation of demographic processes methods of ethnic structure analysis formation of ethnically mixed families processes influencing upon the ethnic structure (ethnic identification, reselfidentification, assimilation, redistribution of nations by regions, migration regulations, border control,…) projections of population ethnic structure of a country

7 Nonstandard Demography Family and household Typology of families and households in population censuses Trends and features of family formation (one-parent families, extended families, non-family households, families with children, multi-generation families, marital couples, …) Distribution of households by size, number of children, number of couples, … Micro and macro-modeling of population family structure Projections of households in a population

8 Nonstandard Demography Probabilistic projection of households Results: Mean household size, Russia, 2005-2050 Source: Ediev D. M., 2007. On Projecting the Distribution of Private Households by Size. Vienna, Vienna Institute of Demography of Austrian Academy of Sciences. Working paper WP 04/2007. 54 pp.

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