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Alternative or At-Risk Education

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative or At-Risk Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative or At-Risk Education
Some things to consider when trying to meet the needs of all of our students. Christy Carroll – Student Advisor, Grand Blanc High School Sue Kenkel - Principal, Davison Alternative Education Matt Shanafelt – Principal, Davison High School

2 Alternative or At-Risk Education
Without Struggle, there can be no progress. - Frederick Douglass Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. It is easier to run a school of conformists than a school of individuals, but conformists, by definition, can never be themselves. Children naturally want to succeed; Why do we sometimes treat them as if they wanted to fail? Childrens self-respect only flourishes if they are respected.

3 The potential of every student
“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free” -Michelangelo

Behind in Credits Economically Disadvantaged Homeless Non-traditional living arrangements Anger Issues Problems with authority

Low Self Esteem Lack of Confidence Little importance given to education at home Socially inept or isolated Different Legal issues Substance abuse problem

Physically abused Mentally abused Emotionally abused Sexually abused Incarcerated parents Teen parents

7 STUDENT NEEDS Varied Instruction Technology/ own pace Differentiated
Project based Experiential Hands on Chunked lessons Mastery learning (Re-do’s and Re-takes)

8 STUDENT NEEDS Way to regain credits Online Trimester Pre-Post Test(s)

9 STUDENT NEEDS Support system at school (Family)
More individualized attention Support groups Connections Positive interaction Committed counselor

10 STUDENT NEEDS Hope Encouragement Belief
Ability to have needs met at school To feel like part of something Pride in accomplishment Support, Support, Support, and more Support!!!

11 STUDENT NEEDS The Right Staff!!
Patient, Flexible, caring, understanding of at risk students, knowledgeable in content, able to use multiple instructional methods and intervention strategies, excellent classroom manager, ability to foster positive communication with parents, and ……..

12 STUDENT NEEDS The ability to build Positive relationships with healthy boundaries. Relationships

13 Other Aspects of Successful programs
Smaller classes even at the expense of your regular high school. (22) Full time counselor Administrative support solely for Alternative/ At-Risk Education

14 Aspects of Successful programs
Team building activities Leadership Training Goal Setting Community Partner ships Educational Partnerships Service Learning projects

15 Aspects of Successful programs
Strong Mentoring Programs

16 Aspects of Successful programs
Connect the Students to the reality of college Trips Community College Advisor Help on the FAFSA Fill out applications/ Essays. Talk about it all the time in order to change the mindset

17 Aspects of Successful programs
Take advantage of programs that are offered. Free Breakfast programs Grants

18 Aspects of Successful programs
Blood Sweat Tears Hard work Commitment There are no shortcuts!!

19 Davison Alternative Education

20 Davison Alternative Education

21 Grand Blanc Center for Student Success (C.S.S.)
Welcome to CSS The mission of CSS is to provide a unique alternative learning environment in which students will have a quality educational experience. They will succeed by taking responsibility for their own academic learning, while developing appropriate social and life skills which lead to healthy personal development.

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