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E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE… Confined Space Hazards 704-641-5782 E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE…

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Presentation on theme: "E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE… Confined Space Hazards 704-641-5782 E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE…"— Presentation transcript:

1 E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE… Confined Space Hazards 704-641-5782 E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE…

2 Objectives  Participants will be able to identify confined spaces  Participants will understand hazards associated with permit required confined spaces  Participants will know how to control hazards during a confined space entry  Q & A

3 Confined Space Standards  General Industry Standard 1910.146  Construction Standard 1926.1201-1926.1213  Grain Handling Standard 1910.272  ANSI Z117.1.2003  NFPA 1607

4 Confined Space Definition  A space that is large enough to enter to perform work  Limited means of entry and exit  Not designed for continuous occupancy

5 Statistics  2005-2009 their were 481 deaths  These fatalities occurred in 28 states  Covered all age groups  61% (298 deaths) occurred during construction, repairing or cleaning activities  17% (83)were in management positions  Atmospheric hazards accounted for 33% (160)  Physical hazards accounted for 61% (294)

6 Typical Confined Spaces  Boilers, Degreasers, Furnaces, Mobile Tankers  Pipelines, Pits, Pumping Stations, Water Towers  Reaction or Process Vessels, Mixers  Septic Tanks, Sewage Digester  Silo, Storage Tank, Barges, Utility Vaults  Sewers, Trenches, Ventilation Ducts, Tunnels  Elevator Shafts, Storm Drains, Water Mains  Chillers, Bag Houses

7 1910.146 Appendix A  Permit Required Decision Flow Chart –Does the work place contain Confined Spaces as defined by 1910.146 (b) –If not, there is no problem –If yes, follow the decision flow chart

8 1910.146 Appendix A

9 Confined Space Hazards

10 What type of CS is being entered: sewer, tank, silo, etc.? What are the dimensions of the confined space? How many access openings are in the confined space? Is there potential for an IDLH atmosphere? What are the physical hazards: electrical, mechanical, chemical, etc.? What are the environmental hazards?

11 Confined Space Hazards  Atmospheric  Physical  Environmental

12 Atmospheric Hazards  Oxygen Deficient/Enrichment  Explosive Gases  Toxic gases –Carbon Monoxide –Hydrogen Sulfide –Many others  Combustible dust

13 Oxygen Content >23.5% Fire Hazard 20.9% Normal Air 19.5% Minimum Permissible 15-19% Pulmonary or Circulatory Problems 10- 12% Increased Respiration, Poor Judgment, Blue Lips 8-10% Mental Failure, Unconsciousness, Vomiting 6-8% Fatal After 8 Minutes 4-6% Comma in 40 Seconds, Convulsions, Death


15 Carbon Monoxide 35 PPM for 8 hours is PEL 200-600 PPM for 1-3 hours/ headaches/discomfort 1000-2000 PPM for ½ hour to 2 hours/ staggering/confusion/discomfort/heart palpitations 2000-2500 PPM for 30 minutes/unconsciousness 4000 PPM for over 1 hours/fatal

16 Hydrogen Sulfide 10 PPM for 8 Hours PEL 50-100 PPM for 1 hour/ mild eye and respiratory irritation 200-300 PPM for 1 hour/ serious eye and respiratory irritation 500-700 PPM for ½-1 hour/ unconsciousness/death 1000+ PPM for minutes/unconsciousness/death

17 Other Toxic Gases Chlorine Sulfur Dioxide Hydrogen Chloride Chlorine Dioxide Hydrogen Cyanide Nitric Oxide Ammonia Many Others…..

18 Positive Pressure Ventilation Forcing fresh air in dilutes gases or forces gases up and out of the space. If dual openings are available, both should be used.

19 Explosive Dust  Airborne combustible dust that obscures vision at a distance of 5 feet or less –Sawdust –Sugar dust –Cotton dust –Carbon dust –Coal dust

20 Confined Space Hazards  Physical –Grinding –Agitators –Shafts –Gears –Steam –Noise –Wet surfaces –Shape of the space

21 Confined Space  Inward sloping walls –May trap individuals –Asphyxiation may occur

22 Confined Space Hazards  Physical continued –Static discharge –Hydraulic –Pneumatic –Radiation –Explosives –Falling objects –Welding

23 Confined Space Hazards  Physical continued –Mechanical –Electrical –Engulfment

24 Confined Space Hazards  Mechanical –Pipes, valves, flanges –Moving parts  Electrical

25 Confined Space Hazards  Engulfment –Silos –Trenches

26 Engulfment  Workers can be engulfed and suffocate in silos –Flowing grain acts like quicksand –Standing on or below a bridging condition

27 Engulfment  The fatality rate for excavation work is 12% higher than general construction  79% occur in excavations less than 15’ deep  60% involve would be rescuers

28 Engulfment  A six cubic yard of trench wall that collapses into an 8’ deep trench has the weight and speed of a full size pick up truck traveling 45 MPH

29 Confined Space Hazards

30  Environmental –Temperature extremes –Poisonous snakes, spiders, bees –Molds, mildew, spores –Bacteria –Acids –Solvents –Cleaning solutions

31 Confined Space Program  Employer Written Program –Identification of permit required confined Spaces and related hazards –Specifying acceptable entry conditions and entrants roles –Isolating the permit space –Ventilate, de-energize, and eliminate hazards –Verifying acceptable entry conditions –Train Employees –Evaluate your program after each entry

32 Permit Required Confined Space

33 Confined Space Equipment  Testing, monitoring, ventilation, communications and lighting equipment  Barriers and signage  Rescue and retrieval devices  Personal protective equipment

34 Reference Materials   Closing In On Confined Spaces Primer 5555-57  Confined Spaces Equipment page on  OSHA Proposed Rule for Confined Spaces in Construction White Paper  ANSI Z117.1 “Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces” Standard  ANSI Z117.1 “Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces” Standard White paper  

35 E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE… Questions? 704-641-5782 E VERY L IFE H AS A P URPOSE…

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