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Ch. 1-5 VOCAB Review. Some people think that Jack is ______, but he’s really just shy.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 1-5 VOCAB Review. Some people think that Jack is ______, but he’s really just shy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 1-5 VOCAB Review

2 Some people think that Jack is ______, but he’s really just shy.

3 Some people think that Jack is ALOOF, but he’s really just shy.

4 Ponyboy _______ ran his fingers through what was left of his hair.

5 Ponyboy RUEFULLY ran his fingers through what was left of his hair.

6 After Bella had failed to keep her last ten fish alive, her dad was _______ about getting another pet.

7 After Bella had failed to keep her last ten fish alive, her dad was APPREHENSIVE about getting another pet.

8 Even though you knew my name right away, I _____ remember meeting you.

9 Even though you knew my name right away, I VAGUELY remember meeting you.

10 Please, I ______ you; do not tell everybody my secret!

11 Please, I IMPLORE you; do not tell everybody my secret!

12 Samuel _____ walked up to the stage at lunch; he always seemed to get in trouble for doing nothing wrong.

13 Samuel INDIGNANTLY walked up to the stage at lunch; he always seemed to get in trouble for doing nothing wrong.

14 Ms. Schweiger tried to _____ eat her chocolate, but we couldn’t help but see how excited she was.

15 Ms. Schweiger tried to NONCHALANTLY eat her chocolate, but we couldn’t help but see how excited she was.

16 Even though the forecast isn’t looking very promising, I have a _______ that we will have a snow day tomorrow.

17 Even though the forecast isn’t looking very promising, I have a PREMONITION that we will have a snow day tomorrow.

18 Kim stared at her new car ______; she figured she must be in a dream to get such an awesome present.

19 Kim stared at her new car INCREDULOUSLY; she figured she must be in a dream to get such an awesome present.

20 No matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to _____ getting caught chewing gum.

21 No matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to ELUDE getting caught chewing gum.

22 Stop being so _____; missing the Justin Bieber concert is not the end of the world.

23 Stop being so SULLEN; missing the Justin Bieber concert is not the end of the world.

24 Allison’s date was anything but _____--he didn’t open her door, he made her pay, and he even burped during dinner!

25 Allison’s date was anything but GALLANT-- he didn’t open her door, he made her pay, and he even burped during dinner!

26 I couldn’t help but smile ____ as I thought about our sneaky plan.

27 I couldn’t help but smile ROGUISHLY as I thought about our sneaky plan.

28 Bobby looked _____ at his teammate, who had just missed the game-winning basket.

29 Bobby looked CONTEMPTUOUSLY at his teammate, who had just missed the game-winning basket.

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