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By: Ashley, Sabiha, and Roshaan. Software Piracy is the unauthorized copying of software. By buying the software, you become a licensed user rather than.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ashley, Sabiha, and Roshaan. Software Piracy is the unauthorized copying of software. By buying the software, you become a licensed user rather than."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ashley, Sabiha, and Roshaan

2 Software Piracy is the unauthorized copying of software. By buying the software, you become a licensed user rather than an owner You are allowed to make copies of the program for backup purposes, but it is against the law to give copies to friends and colleagues.

3  Counterfeiting ◦ illegal duplication, distribution and/or sale of copyrighted material.  Internet Piracy ◦ Software that is downloaded from the Internet.  End User Piracy ◦ An individual reproduces copies of software without authorization.  Client Server Overuse ◦ Many users on a network are using a central copy of a program at the same time.  Hard-Disk Loading ◦ A business sells new computers with illegal copies of software

4 1. Armenia 2. Azerbaijan 3. Moldova 4. Bangladesh 5. Zimbabwe 91. Canada

5  Copyright is the exclusive legal right, that is given to an originator or an assignee to: Print Publish Perform Film Record literary, artistic, or musical material An originator or an assignee can also authorize others to do the same.

6  Increase the chances that the software will not function correctly or will fail completely  Increase their risk of exposure to a virus that can destroy valuable data.  Are subject to significant fines for copyright infringement.  Risk potential negative publicity and public and private embarrassment.

7  Federal law allows software publishers to sue individuals with pirated software for statutory damages, ranging between $500 to $100,000 for each pirated program they possess. Restitution costs could reach millions of dollars.  Individuals who distribute or sell copies of pirated software can face up to five years in prison. You put YOUR computers at risk by installing pirated software that contains malware, and that jeopardizes YOUR machine and sensitive data. WHY DO IT ?

8 Software publishers, developers, and vendors are taking serious actions to protect their revenues but still because of the money lost to pirates, They have less revenue to justify lowering software prices and are forced to pass these costs on to their customers If company’s lose more money than they make they can go bankrupt Publishers have fewer resources to devote to research and development of new products

9  Piracy is the unauthorized copying of software.  Copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee for their product or creation.  And always remember that by stealing or copying somebody else’s work, you can always get yourself in serious trouble.  Rent Movies  Get Movies and Music From the library  Watch Movies on TV  Listen to the Radio Alternatives


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