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Unit 4. Making a proposal for protecting intellectual property.

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1 Unit 4

2 Making a proposal for protecting intellectual property

3 Discussion Have you ever downloaded a song or a film from the Internet? Did you pay for the music or the film? Why do you think copying films and music without permission is a crime?

4 It is illegal to copy intellectual property without permission. Intellectual property is protected by law.


6 Intellectual property Industrial property Copyright inventions trade marks industrial designs novels films music artwork architectur al designs

7 Read the passage and summarize the main idea of each part. Fast Reading

8 Part 1 The _________ of intellectual property. Part 2 The ________ for protecting intellectual property. Part 3 The current we are facing. Part 4 The possible _______ to the problems. definition reasons problems solutions

9 Read and try to answer these questions. 1. What is intellectual property? (no more than 13 words) 2. Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property?(no more than 13 words) 3. What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights (no more than 16 words)?

10 1. What is intellectual property? It refers to the ideas that belong to a person, organization or company. Read and try to answer these questions.

11 2. Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property? Research and development is important and ideas are more valuable in the physical world.

12 3. What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights (no more than 16 words)? People have downloaded videos free from the Internet or they have copied and shared computer software.

13 Careful Reading Fill in the blanks with no more than 3 words according to the passage

14 1. __________ Ideas, including inventions, 2. _________, drawings, symbols, designs, novels, films and music. 3. _______ for protection ● If a company spends money researching and developing new products, that company should be4. ________ for its work. ● Ideas are of greater 5.______ than many material things. Problems ● Short of 6. _________ to protect IP in some countries. ● Lacking of 7. _________ of IP among people. 8. _______ to take 9._______ ● Never buy pirated products or download music or film illegally. ● Buy CDs or DVDs in trustworthy shops rather than download them illegally or buy pirated version. Companies ● Take steps to protect themselves against piracy including ______ free material to discourage piracy. ● Take people to court for piracy and fine them if necessary.

15 Definitionpatents Reasons paid value laws recognition Measures consumers offering

16 Important Phrases

17 研发新产品 research and develop new products(L10) 应该受到支付 deserve to be paid for it(9) 保护知识产权 protect intellectual property(6) 物质世界 physical world(13) 原材料 raw material(13) 增加价值 added value(15)

18 使生效,实施 put into effect(29) 盗版音乐与软件 with the development of(43) 接受道歉 accept an apology(57) 随着 … 的发展 pirated music and software(50) 免费下载视频 download videos free from the Internet(37)

19 制定计划 work out a proposal ( part B ) 把理论应用于实际 apply the theory to practice 面对 be faced with(36) 努力干 … in an effort to 促进国际贸易进展顺利 smooth the progress of international trade ( 26 )

20 行李被海关检查 luggage be inspected by customs(30) 推进与盗版的斗争 further the fight against piracy(53) 只在于,目的是 be aimed at(Part B) 把某人带上法庭 take sb to court(52) 检查街边货摊 check street stands(32) 防止被复制 keep them from being copied(53)

21 1. 很多国家通过法律使没有给原创 做人付费而复制其知识产权(的行 为)成为非法。 Laws have been passed in most countries to______ _____ _____ to copy _________ _________ without paying the person who created the material. itillegal make intellectual 仿写句子 property

22 2. 给这些原材料附加值的是使用的 技术。 ________gives added value _____ these raw material, then, is the technology _________. What to used 3. 属于这个组织的条件之一是这些法 律必须在成员国有效。 One of the conditions of _________ _____ the organization is that these laws must be _____ ______ ______ by member countries. belonging to put into effect

23 4. 人们应该在值得信赖的商店购买 CD 和 DVD ,而不是免费下载或者购 买盗版,以帮助推动反对侵犯知识产 权的斗争。 ______help further the ________ _______ the intellectual property theft, people should buy CDs and DVDs from respected shops instead of downloading them free or buying ________ _______. To fight pirated version against

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