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Savanna What do you think of when someone says “Africa”?

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Presentation on theme: "Savanna What do you think of when someone says “Africa”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Savanna What do you think of when someone says “Africa”?

2 Rainfall and Temperature There is an average of 20-47 inches of rain a year. The average temperature is 70 degrees F It is semi-arid in the Savanna

3 The Animals of The Savanna There are zebras that are like striped horses. There are that are big and have wrinkly, grey skin There are Kirks Dikdik that look like antelope and stand 2 feet tall. There are African Lions that are big cats that are known as the kings of animals.

4 Vegetation One type of vegetation found in the Savanna is Baobab trees. They are fire resistant and sometimes look upside down. There are also acacia trees which have feathery leaves and have fuzzy buds. Red Oat Grass also grows in the Savanna. It is bluish green and can grow 3 feet tall. Rabbit tail fountain grass looks like short fluffy caterpillars in the dry season.

5 Countries Kenya and Tanzania are both of the countries the Savanna is located in.

6 Too much rain and then drought. Over population Over grazing

7 Wives and daughters must strictly obey the husbands and fathers in the Maasai tribe. The Dorobos are hunter gatherers.

8 Food Irio is corn spinach potatoes and peas mashed together.

9 Most famous The Serengeti is the most famous part of the Savanna.


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