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By: Hagan Shanley. For my first career I chose the military. There are no unions in this career field. There aren't any unions because the government.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Hagan Shanley. For my first career I chose the military. There are no unions in this career field. There aren't any unions because the government."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Hagan Shanley

2 For my first career I chose the military. There are no unions in this career field. There aren't any unions because the government runs the military.

3 The military is always in demand because of all the jobs it has to fill. The military is also government funded so it gets a lot of money and support.

4 The military provides protection for the country. It also helps with natural disasters around the world and helps restore order. If I chose this line of work it would cost me time out of the U.S., time away from family and I am risking my life.

5 The job will be secure because you sign a contract for a certain amount of years but the location may change. It may change because there are bases all around the world.

6 In the military they use advanced technology for certain jobs to save lives and money. Technology will never replace every job in the military.

7 Competition depends on the training level and skills of the service person. The reason for this is based on job description and rank.

8 The average salary for an enlisted person is $40,000 a year. For an officer it is $85,000 a year. You can advance to the highest rank available but after that you have to attend college to keep advancing.

9 For the military you need to have a high school diploma and graduate from boot camp.

10 For my second career I chose a police officer. Police officers have a union to get better wages, better benefits, employment protection, and equality for men and women. The only problem is when the police officers go on strike because it prevents them from doing their job.

11 Police officers are always in demand. There is a 7% growth from 2010-2020 which is slower than usual due to the poor economy.

12 The police officers provide help and protection for the city they work in. If I chose this line of work it would keep me away from home, risk of death and long hours.

13 No because when you join the department you join for that city. A city will always need police to help, protect and control.

14 No because police officers have a person to person contact that is needed when solving problems and helping people.

15 Yes because there is a police academy that has to be passed to get into the department. There are also qualifications that have to be met.

16 The average salary is $55,000 a year. Yes there are promotions and police officers can go up in rank.

17 For the police department you need a high school diploma and graduate from the police academy.

18 For my second career I chose a substance abuse counselor. Substance abuse counselors have a union to get better wages, and better benefits.

19 The outlook is good, it is expected to grow 27% which is faster than average. The reason it is higher than average is because the amount of people seeking treatment and people sentenced to treatment.

20 Substance abuse counselors help people with their drug addiction and their problems. The cost to me is it is a full time job and it is stressful.

21 It’s a job that requires you to work with people so there will always be jobs.

22 In this line of work you need that person to person contact so you can help them and understand their problems.

23 In smaller city's there is more competition than bigger city’s because they wont need as many counselors. Also based on the quality of your work there could be more or less competition.

24 Substance abuse counselors make $38,000 a year. They can also get promotions to make more money and advance.

25 In order to get into this line of work you need a high school diploma and you can go to college to make more money. Also you would have to sociology and phycology classes.

26 1791- first strike in building trade by Philadelphia carpenters for 10 hour day bill of rights adopted. During the industrialization period businesses took advantage of workers 1.75 million children under 15 and more than 5 million women earned 10 cent a day for 10 hour days. Clayton anti trust act 1914 declared unions had the right to strike. Wagner act 1935 established the NLRB which prevented businesses from unfair practices.

27 Decline of unionism During the 1950’s average worker worked fewer than 40 hours a week. To many workers available because the end of WW2. During the 1960’s unions hurt by many industry's moving to the anti union South. During the 1970’s- 80’s modern immigrants excepted low paying jobs, the non immigrants declined to take. Women continued to move into the work force, by 1987 55% of women worked outside of home.

28 The exports of goods increased in industrial supplies and materials in the last year. The imports of goods increased in industrial supplies and materials and consumer goods. The exports of services increased in businesses and technical services. The imports of services increased in passenger fairs and travel. As more people get jobs the economy will continue to grow.

29 We import more than we export. U.S exports were worth 2.1 trillion dollars. We export 1.498 trillion dollars of goods and 605 billion in services. Most businesses and workers have found that to be competitive with others they must become very good at producing certain kinds of goods and services. Specialization is a key part of the economic system in the United States and this allows businesses to profit. Division of labor allows workers to specialize and be more productive. World trade has led to increased specialization and competition. Some U.S company's have moved their businesses to other country's because of low wages to be competitive in the world market.

30 Skills/training Education/qualifications Experience Level of responsibility Geographical area Trade union membership Demand factors Supply factors

31 Men are physically stronger than women. There are only a few occupations which are open to women. Women generally do not take to any profession permanently. Most of the women are not literate as men are. Women do not have well organized trade unions. Women are slowly gaining more access in the labor market.


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