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Presentation on theme: "TEACHING ELEMENTARY WORLD LANGUAGES October 31, 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentational Mode Students share ideas, research, and/or opinions with an audience either in writing or orally. Interpretive Mode Students listen to or read an authentic text and answer information an interpretive questions to assess comprehension. Interpersonal Mode Students exchange ideas orally about the designated theme using information gathered from the interpretive phase.

3 Review of IPAs: Examine the Integrated Performance tasks using the ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners and the checklist below: Is the assessment appropriate for the targeted proficiency level? What is the evidence? Is the context real-life? Would individuals encounter the situation in the target culture and/or when interacting with native speakers? Is there a theme that links the three assessment components? Is the Interpretive task based on an authentic text, video, or audio? Does the Interpersonal task provide for spontaneous speaking? Does the Presentational task extend students’ learner about the theme?

4 Integrated Performance Assessment Elementary School, Grade 5 Key Question: What is my/your life like? Theme: Work/Careers Topic: Community Workers Interpretive Interpersonal Presentational Performance Assessment Watch a video or a slide presentation of a city in a country where the target language is spoken showing the various businesses and city services. Students will match on a paper the names of the various businesses and a short description of what happens at each business. With a group of 2 or 3 classmates, plan and discuss how to make a decorative tourist map for an imaginary city in a country where the target language is spoken. Create a tourist map with streets, businesses, and city services labeled. Work with a group of two or three classmates to prepare and present a commercial for job opportunities in their imaginary city. The commercial should include a variety of jobs, where they are located in the city and a reason to choose each job.

5 Elementary School, Grade 3 Key Question: Who am I?/Who are you? Theme: Work/Careers Topic: When I grow up Communication Mode: Interpretive Presentational Interpersonal Performance Assessment Listen to a story about someone in a profession in the community; on a paper with pictures of different scenes from the story, place #1 by the first scene, #2 by the second scene, etc. Make a picture book showing members of a family and what they do for a living; include yourself and what you want to do some day. Label the pictures with the person’s family role and profession. (Here is my mother. She is a dentist). Place a star by anyone who uses/could use more than one language on the job. Share your picture book with other classmates. After sharing your picture book with other classmates, answer questions about the people in your picture book. Ask classmates questions about the people in their picture books. (Who is that? What does he do?)

6 Grade 7 Mandarin Chinese You have just arrived at the Beijing Nanyuan Airport. Unfortunately, your luggage was not on the plane. You must find the missing luggage area, report your problem, and leave personal information for airport personnel to contact you when they find your suitcase. Interpretive Task You read and fill out the report about your missing luggage, describing the items you brought with you and their approximate cost. Interpersonal Task At the missing luggage area, you describe your problem to the airport official. The two of you have a conversation about the situation. You give him the pertinent information about your flight and your luggage. He also needs to know where you are staying in Beijing. Presentational Task When you arrive at your hotel, you call your family to say that you arrived safely and to describe your experiences so far in Beijing.

7 A Powerful Learning Experience


9 Critique/Feedback on Lesson Plans Using the rubrics from Understanding by Design and from the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, analyze and give feedback to your classmates on their lesson plans. Be specific and base your comments on the criteria in the rubrics. Identify strengths of the plan and suggest improvements to the design.

10 Teach Like a Champion, Doug Lemov JigSaw Reading Become an “expert” on the techniques assigned to your group: Group #1: Creating a Strong Classroom Culture Techniques 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35 Group #2: Building and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations Techniques 36, 37, 38 Group #3: Strong Voice Techniques 39, 40, 41, 42 Teach your techniques to your classmates in your “home” group. Choose one technique to demonstrate in front of the class

11 Closure: Write 3 new things you learned this evening. Write one question you still have about assessment, lesson planning, and/or classroom techniques.

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