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Published byBartholomew Sanders Modified over 9 years ago
National Conference KHARIF – 2009 20th & 21ST March 2009 Presented by : Department of Agriculture, Kerala
| 1 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 2 Overview ▪ Predominance of perennial Horticultural and Plantation crops ▪ Rain fed Agriculture: limited assured irrigation ▪ Fragmented holdings: Predominance of small and marginal farmers ▪ High cost of Agriculture labor ▪ Weak forward linkages
| 3 ▪ Shift towards food grains production – Rice sanctuaries identified – Legislation enacted for conserving paddy lands – Targeted incentives for paddy cultivation ▪ State food security programme – launched during 2007-08 – Allocation for 2009-2010: Rs.36 crores – Focus on enhancing production and productivity – Rice, vegetables, eggs, milk, and meat covered Current Focus
| 4 Current Focus (continued) ▪ Focus on enhancing returns from limited land holdings – Increased support for group and lease land farming – Popularizing cluster approach – Encouraging proper land management and adoption of POP – Raising supplementary crops like pulses, sesame, vegetables, tubers, groundnut in paddy fields – Subsidizing loans for small/marginal farmers
| 5 Current Focus (continued) ▪ Shift towards mechanization – Custom Hiring Centers through local bodies – Centralized Agro Service Centers at the Panchayat level – Converging subsidies across schemes ▪ Strengthening marketing – Procurement – Participatory marketing (Swasraya Vipani) – Establishment of small processing & marketing units.
| 6 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 7 Sl. No.Crop Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) Tar.Ach.Tar.Ach. I.Cereals Rice138.0079.38331.00192.77 Coarse Cereals2.802.602.802.08 II.Pulses1.801.002.0701.83 III.Oil Seeds Ground Nut3.672.107.631.86 IV.Commercial Crops Sugar cane2.181.8013.0810.02 Targets and achievements of Kharif - 2008
| 8 Sl. No.Crop Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) Tar.Ach.Tar.Ach. I.Cereals Rice237105.10652360.30 Coarse Cereals1. II.Pulses10.203.2511.733.30 III.Oil Seeds Ground Nut2.201.026.662.21 IV.Commercial Crops Sugar cane1.301.107.92 5.90 Targets and likely achievements for Rabi – 2008-09
| 9 Sl. No.Crop Target Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) I.Cereals Rice145.00347.55 Coarse Cereals2.94 II.Pulses1.892.14 III.Oil Seeds Ground Nut3.858.01 IVCommercial Crops Sugarcane2.2913.73 Targets - Area and Production for Kharif 2009
| 10 Sl. No.Crop Target Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) I.Cereals Rice249.00684.60 Coarse Cereals1.26 II.Pulses10.7112.31 III.Oil Seeds Ground Nut2.316.99 Sesamum1.368.31 Targets - Area and Production for Rabi 2009-10
| 11 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 12 Cont…. OVERVIEW - NFSM ▪ Implemented in one district in the State: Palakkad ▪ Amount sanctioned – Rs.188.85 lakhs ▪ Amount received – Rs.188.85 lakhs ▪ Area covered during Rabi 2008-09 – 52000 ha ▪ Implemented in ninety padashekharams in all Panchayats ▪ Thirty percent increase in yield targeted ▪ Popularized through plays/song and dance – 21 programmes performed in community recreation areas close to the fields
| 13 Achievements ▪ Seed mini kits distributed by NSC - 2400 ▪ Demonstrations organized – 120 on package of practice (HYV use, INM, IPM, Mechanization) – 60 on SRI techniques ▪ Farmers field schools – 24 conducted – Duration of six weeks each – Emphasis on use of bio-control agents ▪ Varietal replacement programme – 984.91 mt seeds distributed ▪ Application of micro nutrients – 2644 ha covered – Common deficiencies – Zn, Bo, Cu ▪ Mechanization component – assistance disbursed for 940 implements (conoweeders, weed cutters, sprayers, pump sets)
| 14 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 15 Current Status ▪ Amount released for 2007-08: Rs.55.0095 crores ▪ Allocation for 2008-09: Rs.60.11 crores ▪ Amount released in first installment: Rs.30.06 crores ▪ Expenditure: – Rs.40.77 crores for 2007-08 – Rs.12.50 crores committed for 2008-09 ▪ Status of C-DAP preparation – Completed by all districts – Under revision
| 16 Progress for RKVY 2007-08 Sl. No.Agency Fund Allotted [In lakhs Rs.] Expenditure as on 2/09 [In lakhs Rs.] 1Agriculture Department2190.901346.02 2Animal Husbandry Department1551.501341.50 3Fisheries Department91.50 4Dairy Development Department210.50 5Serifed56.8553.56 6Kerala Agricultural University465.00395.53 7Vegetable and Fruit promotion Council Kerala 160.50125.71 8Kerala Live Stock Dev. Board148.50 9Kerala State Poultry Dev. Corp.145.00 10Soil Conservation10.2510.00 11Horticorp3.50 12KAICO466.95206.46 Total5500.954077.78
| 17 Sl. No. Name of District Total Allotment [In lakhs Rs.] Expenditure as on 2/09 [In lakhs Rs.] 1Thiruvananthapuram111.0075.11 2Kollam165.6573.18 3Pathanamthitta233.00142.29 4Alappuzha341.00258.54 5Kottayam60.00 6Idukki247.50204.17 7Ernakulam32.5017.00 8Thrissur166.7566.75 9Palakkad128.4018.49 10Malappuram23.9018.40 11Kozhikode290.25198.80 12Wayanad156.7583.46 13Kannur180.00124.83 14Kasaragod54.205.00 Total 2190.901346.02 Progress for RKVY 2007- 08 (Department of Agriculture)
| 18 Sl. No. Agency Fund Allotted [In lakhs Rs.] 1Agriculture Department667.00 2Animal Husbandry Department300.00 3Fisheries Department206.00 4Dairy Development Department212.00 5Serifed43.00 6KAU300.00 7Vegetable and Fruit promotion Council Kerala 152.00 8KLDB100.00 9KSPDC145.00 10Soil Conservation10.00 11Soil Survey10.00 12Minor irrigation46.00 Cont…. RKVY Allocation for 2008-09
| 19 Sl. No.Agency Fund Allotted [In lakhs Rs.] 13Kerala Feeds Ltd.200.00 14Meat Products of India20.00 15Harbor Engineering Department100.00 16Matsyafed146.00 17ADAK138.00 18FIRMA22.00 19KAICO75.00 20KLDC58.00 21Horticorp50.00 Total3000.00 RKVY Allocation for 2008-09 (continued)
| RKVY – Filling the Gaps Strengthening production of quality planting material – Focus on strengthening the required infrastructure and quality control mechanisms – Projects for establishing plant health clinics, hardening units, etc. – Enhancing Infrastructure of department farms and seed farms Strengthening linkages aimed at bringing fallow lands under paddy cultivation – Revamping existing irrigation facilities – Rendering land cultivable – Creating necessary infrastructure to aid mechanization Strengthening value chain in the dairy sector – Milk collection units – Mobile milk quality control units – Establishing Information chain – Measures to enhance stock quality
| 21 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 22 Extension Interventions ▪ Krishi Bhavans – Panchayat level Agriculture Offices as the focal point ▪ Agro clinics – District diagnostics team available for emergencies – Schedule of visits framed and displayed – 8-10 wards in a Panchayat constitute a clinic ▪ Group farming activities & Group approach, pre-season initiatives ▪ Transfer of technology ▪ Farmers trainings – Currently scheme based – Convergence of trainings across schemes and preparation of comprehensive Panchayat, Block, and District level training schedule envisaged ▪ Awards to outstanding farmers ▪ Farm Information Bureau
| 23 Profile of activities during 2008-09 ▪ 14 ATMA districts sanctioned and registered ▪ 15 FIACs formed ▪ 456 BTT meetings held ▪ 1200 FIGs formed
| 24 Profile of activities during 2008-09 (continued) ▪ Two Regional fairs conducted – At Kollam (Conducted during August 2008) – At Thrissur (October 2008) ▪ Farmers trained – 8623 nos ▪ Exposure visit of farmers- 7114 nos ▪ Kissan melas/field days/Ghosties – No. of farmers participated – 104134 ▪ Demonstrations conducted – 1204 nos ▪ FIGs/CIGs formed – 1200 ▪ Farm schools started – 76 ▪ Extension personnel trained - 3920
| 25 Amount received from GOI 2005-06- Rs.80.00 lakhs 2006-07-Rs.117.00 lakhs 2007-08-Rs.125.00 lakhs 2008-09-Rs.470.00 lakhs State Share-Rs.190.55 lakhs Total-Rs.982.55 lakhs Expenditure details District ATMAs-Rs.206.39 lakhs SAMETI -Rs.20.862 lakhs State level activities -Rs.7.819 lakhs Total-Rs.235.071 lakhs ATMA financial details as on February 2009
| 26 Programmes for 2008-09 under ATMA ▪ Amount approved by GOI – Rs.1045.00 lakhs ▪ Implementation of activities started ▪ Preparation of bi-annual action plan for 2009-10 and 2010-11 completed.
| Interventions Demonstrations and Farmers schools Organized to fill gaps in potential areas Potential areas for Banana cultivation – popularizing pheromone traps – high density planting (2/3 suckers in a single pit) – insitu vermi composting – control of pseudo stem weevil Paddy areas – Popularizing the use of bio-control agents – SRI wherever feasible to increase returns on investments – Popularizing mechanization: seed drills, transplanters, etc Animal Husbandry – Popularizing milking machines – Popularizing improved fodder varieties
| 28 Activities of SAMETI Kerala ▪ SAMETI registered under Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Society Act ▪ Technical Support Group(TSG) formed ▪ No. of trainings at state level – 39 ▪ No. of functionaries trained – 975 ▪ Training schedule finalized for 2009-10 – Course curriculum designed – Training modules and methods under discussion – Resource persons (including reserves) identified – Evaluation methodology yet to be finalized
| 29 Total amount received - Rs.722.79 lakhs Expenditure incurred as on February 2009 - Rs.528.12 lakhs ABSTRACT OF EXPENDITURESAMETI- Rs.11.28 lakhs ATMA- Rs.356.83 lakhs Others (Weather advisory, NFSM, DA funded, PGDAEM) - Rs.160.00 lakhs Expenditure details of SAMETI
| 30 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 31 Seed availability – Kharif 2009 ▪ Breeder seed from KAU ▪ Foundation seed: in departmental farms ▪ Certified seed : under RSGP ▪ Quality or truthfully labeled seed (farmer to farmer exchange) ▪ Seed testing facilities - 3 labs ▪ Certified seed requirement for Kharif 2009 – 43481.33 qtls – Based on the targeted area of 1 lakh hectares – Seed Rate of 80 Kg/Ha and SRR of 50% ▪ Certified seed available with Department of Agriculture for Kharif 2009 – 33342.33 qtls ▪ Balance of 10139 qtls: from NSC/other Government approved agencies ▪ Seed Village Programme: 1000 Ha to be covered
| 32 Seed Treatment and Testing ▪ Seed treatment campaigns extensively undertaken – To create awareness about treatment with carbendazim – Brochures and leaflets popularizing seed treatment – 1000 campaigns prior to the season ▪ Training for farmers and extension functionaries - 14 ▪ Targets for 2009-10: – 40,000 ha of paddy land to be sown with treated seeds ▪ During Kharif 2008 – 33342.33 qtls of paddy seeds treated with pseudomonas and distributed ▪ 3 Seed testing labs – Samples analyzed for 2008-09 – 3323(up to 02/2009)
| 33 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 34 Materials-Quantity (in MT) UREA-105000 AMSO4-2000 SSP-2000 MOP-96500 DAP-25000 FACTOMFOS-100000 SPIC 20:20-18000 10:26:26 15:15:15 ---- 15000 7500 ROCKPHOS-24500 Other complex-140500 Total-536000 Requirement in Kharif 2009
| 35 Nutrients Quantity (in MT) N-79445 P-44855 K-62925 Total-187225 Requirement in Kharif 2009 in terms of nutrients
| 36 Fertilizer Testing Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratories – 2 ▪ Annual analyzing capacity of fertilizers - 5000 ▪ Fertilizer samples analyzed for 2008-09 - 4006 ▪ Annual analyzing capacity of organic manure - 1000 ▪ Organic manure samples analyzed for 2008-09 – 320
| 37 Integrated Nutrient Management ▪ INM promoted on group farming basis for rice cultivation. ▪ 1613 no. of vermi compost units completed during 2008-09 ▪ Supplied 514.1 mt. of green manure seeds – Additional subsidies through local body plan schemes – However, hike in overall cost of seeds with hike in subsidies remains a cause for concern – Considering seed production in State Seed Farms ▪ Soil Health Testing and Campaigns – Crop based and season based – Soil analysis results and crop based recommendations available online – just launched – Collaboration with Fertilizer Companies for soil sample analysis under consideration
| 38 Contents ▪ Overview ▪ Seasonal Targets, Achievements, Prospects ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Extension Machinery ▪ Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ Best Practices
| 39 Innovative new initiatives by Government of Kerala Cont…. Karshaka Sthree Sakthi Programme under RKVY ▪ Enhancing capabilities and income earning capacities of women in Agriculture Sector ▪ Mobilization through group approach ▪ Income generation through small enterprises ▪ Projects: vegetable cultivation, banana cultivation, orchid cultivation, vermi compost, mushroom compost, bee keeping, goat rearing, poultry, dairy, ornamental fisheries etc. ▪ On and off farm interventions ranging from Rs.3000/- to Rs.2.00 lakhs ▪ Credit linked. Assistance to the tune of maximum of 90% of the project cost released to the financial institutions ▪ 561 units started
| 40 Innovative new initiatives by Government of Kerala Fallow land Rice Cultivation ▪ Bringing 10,000 ha of additional area under paddy cultivation ▪ Assistance @Rs.5000/- per ha ▪ Convergence of NRGEP/RKVY/State programmes ▪ Involvement of NGOs/SHGs
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