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Do you have breakfast before going to school? In our class 23 student have alwais breakfast before going to school,5 student have sometimes breakfast.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you have breakfast before going to school? In our class 23 student have alwais breakfast before going to school,5 student have sometimes breakfast."— Presentation transcript:


2 Do you have breakfast before going to school? In our class 23 student have alwais breakfast before going to school,5 student have sometimes breakfast befor going to school 23 5

3 What do you normally have for breakfast? In our class 11 student have for brekfast bread or toast, 28 have milk, 5 coffe, 2 juice, 3 yogurt, 15 cookies, 3 fruit, 16 nutella, 3 snacks, 6 jam and 3 eggs.

4 Do you usually have a snack in the morning/ in the afternoon?

5 How often do you eat salad or vegetables with lunch or dinner?

6 How many times a week do you eat fish? In our class 1 student eat fish everiday, 17 2/3 times a week, 10 rarely and never 0

7 . Do you usually eat soup? In our class 3 students eat soup everiday, 15 2/3 times a week, 10 rarely and never o

8 How often do you eat fruit?

9 Do you usually have a dessert with your lunch or dinner?

10 What do you usually have for dessert? In our class 8 student have for dessert fruit, o yogurt, cake 13, 6 cofee, ice cream 2, nutella 0, sandwich 2

11 What do you drink at meals?

12 How frequently do you eat at fast food restaurants?

13 Do you use food supplements to complete your diet? In our class 4 student use food supplement to complete your diet, 24 usen’ t food supplements to complete your diet.

14 Do you think you have healthy eating habits?

15 Giuseppe Gismondi e Antonio Salza

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