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What’s in a Cigarette?.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s in a Cigarette?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s in a Cigarette?

2 We know

3 What’s really in them Cigarettes are made from tobacco, a tall leafy plant that grown almost everywhere in the world Tobacco plants contains a drug called nicotine Nicotine is a deadly poison and it can kill a person in less than an hour if even a small amount is injected into your blood stream.

4 Tobacco Smoke Contains very tiny amounts of nicotine that aren’t deadly, but are still very bad for your health. Tobacco smoke also contains over 4,000 chemicals, Many of them are known to cause cancer


6 How does smoking hurt you?
Hurts your lungs Damages your lungs natural cleaning and repair system. Traps cancer-causing chemicals in your lungs Permanently damages the alveoli in your lungs making it hard to breathe

7 Your lungs

8 How you get addicted Nicotine is one of the main ingredients in tobacco It speeds up the brain and central nervous system Triggers the release of a chemical in your brain (dopamine) that boosts your mood and makes you feel calm

9 Addicted Nicotine smoke is absorbed through the skin lining of the mouth and nose Nicotine level in your blood peaks within 10 second of inhaling

10 Your Job Create a poster showing how silly it is to pick up a cigarette in the first place. Your poster will comparing something fun, dangerous and somewhat safe to smoking Examples

11 I would rather do something safe like………

12 Examples Wrestle Alligators Fight a UFC fighter Skydiving
Swim with Sharks Face 100 mph slap shot with no equipment Bungee Jump Then smoke a Cigarette

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